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MadJeC: C

Why were you banned from the Steam forums if you don't mind my asking?
for all legendary reasons , you start with drm battles :)
MadJeC: C

Why were you banned from the Steam forums if you don't mind my asking?
liquidsnakehpks: for all legendary reasons , you start with drm battles :)
Haha! If there was ever a good reason to be banned from Steam, that would be it =P
1. A

2. C

3. A
1. Would you like to see a birthday giveaway again from me in this year ?
A : Yes. Haven't been hurt yet by too many giveaways :-)

2. What gift(s) do you prefer ?
C : GOG gift codes, of course

3. Would you like to receive indie games ?
A : Yes, but I do not really care that much about these kind of games
ne_zavarj: *snip*
1. Yes

2. Don't care... all are good AFAIAC

3. Yes
* update *

number of developers who received an email from me : 2
number of developers who replied : 1 ( positive )
1 A
2 C
3 A
1. Would you like to see a birthday giveaway again from me in this year ?
A : Yes. It's a good excuse for a giveaway, isn't it? ;)

2. What gift(s) do you prefer ?
C : GOG gift codes. GOG rules!

3. Would you like to receive indie games ?
A : Indie GOG games? Always! :) Also, Humble Indie Bundles are great: DRM-Free and with its own installer (instead of Steam keys).

Whether or not occasion for a giveaway, I hope to congratulate you on your next birthday, ne_zavarj! :)
A- GIveaways are great. I always think they're great, even if I'm not entered or don't qualify.
C- GOG is my preferred game source. Steam is my second. Desura is my third. I use all three.
A- I enjoy indie games, but I usually own the Humble Indie Bundle games.
1 - C
2 - C
3 - A
1 C
2 C
3 A
* update *

number of developers who received an email from me : 21
number of developers who replied : 2 ( positive )
ne_zavarj: My giveaways in 2010 and 2011 were not successful . Sorry about that .
I need some kind of feedback before i start another one .
Since i was banned from the Steam forum this giveaway will be open for GOG members .

End date of this survey : 14th of November .

1. Would you like to see a birthday giveaway again from me in this year ?

A : Yes
B : No
C : What are you talking about ?

2. What gift(s) do you prefer ?

A : Steam keys
B : Desura keys
C : GOG gift codes

3. Would you like to receive indie games ?

A : Yes.
B : I already own every indie bundle .
C : I don't care about these kind of games .

A:Steam keys

1. Sure, if you want to. So A
2. A, B, and C!
3. Depends. I'm not interested in bundle keys, but I'd be interested in more high-profile indies like FTL and Grimrock (just examples, I have both).
1. A
2. C+B
3. A

I liked your last giveaway so if you decide to do it again this year that would be good too. I've stopped using steam (can't even remember my password) which is a shame since I had just bought Skyrim and didn't really play it before I got so frustrated I rage quit. And no, I don't have anything against indie games being included in the giveaway as long as they don't require steam.