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CaveSoundMaster: ...
You know what, nevermind, you came here to talk about how much you like warcraft and I was the jerk that came in to do the exact opposite. Maybe once you'll get more familiar with the lore you'll change your mind, or maybe not, but there's no point arguing further.

Just posting one last time to make sure you noticed the links for those Wc3 maps you asked before, I posted them a couple of pages ago.
I preordered MoP. Cost me around 18 EUR, because I already had some money from D3's RMAH.

I will be done with the thesis by release, so hopefully, I'll be there for my first ever launch event. :D

Missed Cataclysm and Diablo 3, but won't miss this one. :D
CaveSoundMaster: ...
Avogadro6: You know what, nevermind, you came here to talk about how much you like warcraft and I was the jerk that came in to do the exact opposite. Maybe once you'll get more familiar with the lore you'll change your mind, or maybe not, but there's no point arguing further.

Just posting one last time to make sure you noticed the links for those Wc3 maps you asked before, I posted them a couple of pages ago.
Don't worry, I myself asked for you to explain, I was curious and wanted to understand. I think we have just different perspectives here, I too don't like the aspects you mentioned (in the most part) but I like some things so much, that I overlook that. It's the glass half-empty / half-full kind of thing.

One thing to notice is that your reasons are different than Dodogeo's - yours is inconsistency, his is a different art / lore / plot direction than he wanted.

I noticed the links and already said thank you few posts before :)

Feeling kinda WoWish, becouse i'm playing the orcish RPGesque WC3:TFT campaign. I'll be soon revisiting WoW.

Elenarie: I preordered MoP. Cost me around 18 EUR, because I already had some money from D3's RMAH.

I will be done with the thesis by release, so hopefully, I'll be there for my first ever launch event. :D

Missed Cataclysm and Diablo 3, but won't miss this one. :D
How can you "miss" Cataclysm :) you have to go through cataclysm in order to reach MoP :) and the changed zones are there still
Post edited August 30, 2012 by CaveSoundMaster
CaveSoundMaster: How can you "miss" Cataclysm :) you have to go through cataclysm in order to reach MoP :) and the changed zones are there still
I missed the launch event. There was one organized in Skopje (apparently, they do this only for Blizzard games, since they are the only ones that sell in retail (you can't really expect an Eastern European country to be thriving with game buyers)).

Also, I have never been online at the time an expansion has been released.
Elenarie: snip
THere are one-time world events too, as I see. Right now there'll be invasion of Theramore.

Playing goblin starting zone for the first time and I just remembered two other things i love warcraft for:

- sense of humour
- pop-culture references

Piloting the half-mechanical shark with a lazer beam and egg-artillery (courtesy of microchicken) was helluva fun.
ANd gotta love those mechanical rabbits - rabbots :D
Well, I tried out the expansion Mists of Pandaria not too long ago. I must say I'm not too impressed.

It's a fair point that the Mists of Pandaria storytelling is much more modern - there's liberal use of cutscenes and cinematics, more automatic quest completion, and a lot more puzzle/game type quests. The quests are also far more rewarding with XP and gear than they used to be, and some are even relevant to the story.

Cataclysm quests were also more up-to-date, though not nearly as polished as what Mists of Pandaria brings.

Still, there's very little of that in the pre-Cataclysm quests and still no real personal or class story - that could use work. The old content still could use scaling so it doesn't become obsolete. And the actual gameplay still needs improvement - some sort of dodge mechanic to allow for more fluid fighting would be #1 on the list of needed improvements. And while the Mists of Pandaria storytelling is well done, the actual quality of the writing doesn't seem as good as earlier World of Warcraft. Instead of an epic tale of dragons, demons, and world-destroying villains/treachery, there are monkeys, pandas, and beer, and sha-possessed pandas are the big baddies.

I still don't see it as amazing, and I wish World of Warcraft fans would press Blizzard harder to get with the times and overhaul the game. I'd hate it if the franchise was just going to slowly bleed out while Blizzard works on a different MMORPG project. In that case, it doesn't sound too far off.
DryMango: I'd hate it if the franchise was just going to slowly bleed out while Blizzard works on a different MMORPG project. In that case, it doesn't sound too far off.
It won't bleed out. They'll work on it for as long as people play it. Other MMOs with only a million or two subscribers are doing fine, pretty sure that WoW with its now 10 million again would continue to do just fine.

Besides, the Titans and the Burning Legion are coming in the next two expansions (if expectations are correct), in case you thought the game was moving away from epic quests and stuff.

Besides x2, does the Siege of Orgrimmar as the probable last raid of MoP not sound epic enough? :p
DryMango: I'd hate it if the franchise was just going to slowly bleed out while Blizzard works on a different MMORPG project. In that case, it doesn't sound too far off.
Elenarie: It won't bleed out. They'll work on it for as long as people play it. Other MMOs with only a million or two subscribers are doing fine, pretty sure that WoW with its now 10 million again would continue to do just fine.

Besides, the Titans and the Burning Legion are coming in the next two expansions (if expectations are correct), in case you thought the game was moving away from epic quests and stuff.

Besides x2, does the Siege of Orgrimmar as the probable last raid of MoP not sound epic enough? :p
World of Warcraft doing just fine?

I'm not so sure about that.
Just thought I'd bump this topic back up in regards to MoP and Blizzard. I didn't realize that so many people were streaming this game on

Kinda disappointed that it costs so much to do such things as server transfers, faction changes, racial changes, etc. Some of the mounts that have a price tag on them should be rewarded by hard work in-game rather than paying actual cash.

Got a friend who still plays WoW and he's saying more or less, it hasn't changed that much since I quit a year ago.
DodoGeo: Funny you mentioned Warhammer. Here's one for you: Did you know Warcraft I was first proposed to Games Workshop as a Warhammer computer game and was turned down?
Elenarie: People say the same thing about Starcraft. I wonder which one is true? Probably none. :)
Fun fact!

Patrick Wyatt, once a senior programmer at Blizzard, has this blog post in which he explains the making of the first Warcraft game. A little ways down, he readily admits that there were (early) plans to license the WHFB franchise for their first RTS.

Allen Adham hoped to obtain a license to the Warhammer universe to try to increase sales by brand recognition. Warhammer was a huge inspiration for the art-style of Warcraft, but a combination of factors, including a lack of traction on business terms and a fervent desire on the part of virtually everyone else on the development team (myself included) to control our own universe nixed any potential for a deal. We had already had terrible experiences working with DC Comics on “Death and Return of Superman” and “Justice League Task Force”, and wanted no similar issues for our new game.

It’s surprising now to think what might have happened had Blizzard not controlled the intellectual property rights for the Warcraft universe — it’s highly unlikely Blizzard would be such a dominant player in the game industry today.
If you're interested, the Warcraft posts are continued in part 2 and part 3, and he's also got another post on Starcraft as well. (No mention of Warhammer 40k in that one, though.)
Post edited October 17, 2013 by LaithArkham