Telika: Not superhero. Jamesbondish. Gadgets, no superpowers. Heroes look like modesty blaise, james bond, rambo, etc...
And actually the traps are not that important to the gameplay. Even though you have so many of them to toy with that it seems to be a major focus of the devs efforts, it's not central to the game at all, and you can play totally without them. Other aspects of base management, and world map heists, make the bulk of the gameplay.
Also, evil genius is awesome.
hedwards: I dunno about that, trying to deal with the agents without traps is a lot harder.
A little labyrinth, and lots of doors, will keep the agents exploring the periphery of your actual base. A few cameras and minions take care of them, if they don't tired on their owns. But most of times, they just waste their stay on deadeads and innocent furniture. Very seldom does one of them reach the core of the base, and is then easily and discreetely dispatched.
I thin them out by not only putting quite a few twist, turns and forks between my buzzing base and its entrance, but also digging in the mountain a few gratuitous labyrinths with actually no connection to the base at all. The agents tend to spread out to investigate all "entrances", and only a portion of them visit the genuine one...