JCD-Bionicman: http : // www . amazon . com / 2000dpi-Perfect-Gaming-Durable-Wireless/dp/B0081KKE4I/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1371007852& amp;sr=1-1&k eywords=wireless+gaming+mouse
rampancy: I'm sure it's legit; I've seen similar such mice in the brick-and-mortar small computer stores in my city. I suspect these off-brand names are just reusing the same molds and designs that they've used for mice sold under more popular name brands.
For $10, it's not a huge risk for a mouse, but that said, you may do better to put that $10 towards a mouse that you know is well made and designed.
How might one determine the model of his mouse? I want the newer mouse I suppose because of the lower latency, in addition to the buttons and programmability for on the fly DPI switching. If I have these same capabilities with my current mouse there'd be no need to switch.
EDIT: Apparently the model number is 810-000272 based on the wireless dongle. Google and amazon aren't turning anything up. I guess I have to assume my mouse is pretty old.
http://logitech-en-amr.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/14072/section/troubleshoot/crid/398/lt_product_id/3618/tabs/1,3,2,4,5/cl/us,en Definitely going to get this new mouse. Huge difference in latency, and likely no driver support.