Tarm: I didn't think I was.
You don't think having "less hope in humanity" because they might actually like something you don't is seeing them as stupid? As beneath you?
Might have been a joke, fine well and good, but this idea pervades these boards and video game communities in general. Hell, media communities in general. "I like X and if you were as smart/awesome/cultured as me you would like X as well. I don't like Y and if you like it you're obviously dumb/uncultured/simple." It never ends, it goes on and on.
The simple fact is people have different tastes, different goals for games, games play a different role in their lives, they have less time, less attention to give, whatever the hell else. It's not about superiority but some people try and make it about superiority to stroke their own egos.
It's fucking tiring.