rob.liefeld: Gabriel Knight: sins of the fathers CD version is missing here.
Now THAT is messed up:)
M15aNtHrOpE: No way! The voice acting in GK1 was very good: Michael Dorn (Dr John), Mark Hamill (Detective Mosely), Tim Curry (Gabriel Knight), and some other chick from TV played Grace.
Beyond that, I enjoyed all of the other characters, as well as the narrator. It was an exceptional game overall, IMHO.
Exactly, I was thinking about Tim Curry:)
He did Gabriels voice in an overwhelmingly slimey manner, thus turning him into the rudest protagonist ever. I doubt, a multi-millionaire sexbomb (Malia Gedde) would fall for such a person :)
Also, when Hammil and Curry try to out-smirk each others voice is just too funny:)
But the heavy part is the narration. The already had these two very deep, familiar, manly voices, so to evade confusion, they went for something else...
An old women, with god knows what kind of weird accent:D