Daedalus1138: I found out something odd about myself. I have tried several times to get into 4X games, mostly because I have found them fascinating. But every time I try, I get bored. I don't want to, but I can't seem to help it. I know it may sound odd, but that word might pretty much sum me up.
Not every game genre is for every player. :) I love 4X games but I can understand people not enjoying them - have you tried Master of Orion 1 or 2? Those are a touch quicker than your standard Civ game; they have a little less micromanagement and have some different elements which, for me, make the games more enjoyable to play. You might enjoy those.
carnival73: if you're younger and more filled with energy, games like Europea Universalis are so slow and stand still that they will either put you to sleep or trigger and anxiety rush.
But when you get older and the old grey cells just ain't what they used to be, 4X's games can be played at a much more slower and relaxed pace.
I dunno I enjoyed Civ and MoO2 when I was younger. I would say the old grey cells were as capable of deep thought then too - to turn your phrasing around. :)