wolfsrain: Movie: The Great Dictator with Chaplin
Book: The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler
Game: Might and Magic 7
In for Indie Action Bundle, thanks for all the fish and +1
You win the Action Bundle! You were actually the only contestant to completely fulfill my secret rules: choose a movie, book, and game I have not personally, watched, read, or played. I have watched clips from the Great Dictator, but I have never watched the whole thing. I have watched a movie version of The Long Goodbye, but I have never read the book. And I have never played M&M7. Look for a PM shortly!
genkicolleen: Not in since I'd only give away all the keys :p +1
I'm still going to answer your question, 'cause I wanna! :D
Favorites are subject to change at any moment!
Movie -
Serenity (Joss Whedon's movie based off of his
Firefly series)
Book -
Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz
Video game -
The Walking Dead You made my day! First by answering such an interesting question even though you're not in, and second by mentioning Serenity!
GastonArg: I'm in for this one :D
Blade runner
The name of the wind
Silent hill 1
thanks a lot and +rep :)
You win the Kalypso Bundle! I played the first Silent Hill with my youngest brother on the PS. It remains one of the creepiest experiences in any game I've played. Mainly the long passages of running around in the fog, hearing creatures swoop closer and farther away, with your radio making that grating sound!
PM incoming!