tarangwydion: Could you please elaborate more on the save game system? I never understand why they feel the need to change it. It was IMHO best in Silent Assassin and Contract, not so much in Blood Money. So how is it now?
While in previous games you had a limited amount of saves, in Absolution what you get are checkpoints (not available in higher difficulties). Basically, you get to a point on the level and you see some glowing sign with the hitman logo, you use it and you've checkpointed yourself. If you die, you can restart there instead of from the beginning of the level.
The thing is that, when I say restart, I mean the whole fucking scenario restarts. Knocked out NPCs rewpawn. Traps you set up (such as opening the gas of a kitchen) reset. You get immersion breaking cases of knocking out the only chef, hiding his body, getting his disguise, saving at the checking, and when you reload the chef will be back and have the same conversation it had before you knocked him out (and sound the alarm when seeing you, of course).
I can deal with immersion breaking, even if it's a pain, but there are also game breaking cases when you knock out a guard, go up to an sniping spot, use a checkpoint there, and when you try to leave the guard will be back and will certainly spot you, as the way the developers set for you to distract him was while entering and not exiting.
All in all, it's usually simpler to to finish it in one go, but this involves a lot of tedious repetition. Then again, since the patrol routes are hardcoded, you end up knowing where each guard will be every time you restart, so you no longer bother opening doors with care; you just know this door is safe and if I run on this corridor no one will be able to spot me. It doesn't exactly kill the game, but it isn't very fun.
As for those wondering where to start, I too think Blood Money is the best hitman game. I relate to shadowmirage in that Silent Assassin was the first for me and nothing equals that, but it was objectively a lot more clunky. Every time some NPC guard got randomly run over by a car and trigger an alarm, ruining my silent assassin rating, I felt like punching the screen (for the screen is always at fault, obviously).
If you plan on playing only one of the Hitman games, go for Blood Money. If you plan to play more, it's probably better to start with Silent Assassin, as going forwards with improving mechanics is probably better. I don't recall the first one as particularly good: it was more of a test run on the franchise, it had hardly any story I can remember and several of the hits got beautifully redone in Blood Money. So, despite owning it myself here on GOG, I would recommend you to skip it.