katya_stevens: [...] AI War Collection was on sale.
Vythonaut: I consider buying AI War when it shows up again.. I've been a fan of Sins of a Solar Empire
(I have the "Trinity" edition) and from what i can see, AI War is in the same vein with SOASE only 2d
(which i like!).. If you had played SOASE, what do you think?
Sorry, can't say anything. SOSE has been on my radar but I keep on getting distracted by other games.
CarrionCrow: My apologies that you and yours are dealing with stressful garbage. I hope it improves, and quickly.
Stilton: ps. hope the stress doesn't last too long ;-)
Thanks. If things all go well, we should be stress-free by the end of the week (well, this stressful situation anyway).
So, today's the bundle bonanza day. This does mean that I'm getting re-tempted by the Spiderweb RPGs bundle despite having the Geneforge saga and not yet playing any of them. It's a reliable bundle from what I can see, so there's no worry if I miss it this time.