Pidgeot: Yeah, that seems to be the problem. It should be fixed; will clean up the data shortly.
EDIT: Data cleaned, but there's something wrong with the system for not reposting the same thing twice. Entries may be duplicated for a while until I fix this...
EDIT 2: Everything should be working properly now.
Artoemius: I seems that something went wrong again, starting with Sacred Gold (Ends Thu, 13 Nov 2014 06:38:59 UTC). The
script page again shows only the base discounts, not the flash discounts.
Here's a
great post by CarrionCrow that summarizes all the manually collected data.
And BTW, thanks for doing this, especially for capturing the regional prices, which would be too much of a mess to collect manually.
Ah, for crying out loud...
Apparently the clock on my Pi was ahead, so it thought those deals were already active.
I'm adding a 5 minute delay to the sending of data, which should get rid of this issue - but of course, the deals will only show up once they have been live for 5 minutes). It will take some time to fix the old data that have already disappeared (Sacred Gold to Sanitarium), probably 1-2 hours.
EDIT: Updated the lists - I did not have regional currencies for The Chaos Engine; that can be altered once a comparable deal shows up (same original price and discount percentages). (The same still applies for The Witcher 2, Mark of the Ninja Special Edition and Meridian: New World.)