CarrionCrow: Also, I have to ask - what else are you thinking of adding to your list? I'm curious. (Not that more info makes it that much easier to plot for later....oh, good heavens no....)
HypersomniacLive: OK, I'm known to be pretty naive and easily fall for fishing questions, but you're not even trying here. ;-P
On a more serious note - aren't over 60 titles enough of a wishlist? ;-D
I have no idea, I use my wishlist for my most wanted titles, and add when I spot something new that catches my fancy or when I revisit the catalogue and noticed I've overlooked a title. So, in terms of "thinking", I've not done any thinking.
Are you thinking of extending yours? ↁ_ↁ
Side Note: It'd appear that the last six Flash Deals in the line are in the exact same order they were during Friday noon/ early afternoon GMT time, and the next three to come up are also in that order. Wonder if we're going to have a complete repeat of Friday till the end.
Okay, fair enough. And yeah, I know that wasn't exactly subtle, but I'm fairly certain that watching this sale is slowly consuming my will to live.
On the subject of wishlists, dear gods, no, I'm not thinking of extending the list any more. Already did that earlier and ended up with close to 50 more entries. -laughs-
And sure, why not. It kinda makes sense in a "screw you for tracking this" kind of way. Just keep the combination of pain and monotony all the way to update, that's the way this sale's going for the last leg of it, apparently.