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Save up to 80% on 600+ games as we reprise our first week's 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sales!

Whatever your location and beliefs might be, the Winter Solstice and the time around it is usually a time of celebration. And if you are a gamer, there's even more reason to celebrate! It's the time of year when the prices of the games you've been eyeing for the whole year drop magically (or scientifically, if you prefer, or maybe miraculously even), making all those fantastic titles so much more affordable. It's like a festive game-shopping spree, that happens around the time of the Solstice. It's like--like--Festivmas! Yes, a gaming [url=]2013 Solstice Festivmas! A name as good as any other, because what's important it's the celebration itself. Today, on we offer you dozens of special deals, simultanously! We realize that our server-hiccup prevented some of you from picking up their favorites in the first hours of the our promotion. Once again, we're very sorry about that. That's even more reason to make all the offers and bundles featured in the first week of 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale, and more, available for 24 hours for your convenience.

That's not all! FREE GAMES! Do we have your attention? We know that a lot of you wanted to see what the three special deals were for you each day, and didn't like that you didn't have more idea what you're picking. So we've changed our daily deals so now you can see what's games you can pick from, with the element of surprise limited to the amount of discount you'll be getting. It might by 100%, by the way, as we're adding in a bunch of free games to our daily surprises, so be sure to check them out in case there's a free game waiting for you just a click away!

This special mid-sale discount-fest, or 2013 Solstice Festivmas if you will, lasts until Thursday, December 19, at 1:59PM GMT. We'd also like to remind you, that all purchases are now covered with our Worldwide 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, so this should be the safest on-line shopping spree you'll ever go on!

Happy Winter Solstice, everyone!

Heads-up! The following special deals are making their final appearance today, in our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale:
The BIG Ones
Collected Bullfrog Classics
Ultraviolence Uberpack
Dungeons and Dragons Desire
Roguelikelike Bundlelike
Might and Magic Legends
Deep in the Dungeons
Mystique and Mysterious
The Joy of Platforming
Charge-up and Go!
Space Sim Succession
To Infinity and Beyond

This is your final call for those!
I like the new way the surprise boxes work... and bought my first game from these boxes immediately with a 90% discount :-)

Thanks, GOG
Post edited December 18, 2013 by Nordwolf
Ghorpm: Bundles I own:

- Collected Bullfrog Classics
- Dungeons and Dragons Desire
- Roguelikelike Bundlelike

If you need individual game/games from those bundles with a higher discount just PM me. Paypal is my favorite option
I was just checking my inbox to find you, xD because maybe I would buy some games (and I remember you had the D&D bundle : )

About this new Gog approach..I love it; in fact, I love these kind of different deals every sale : )
I really hope you show off all these bundles at the end of the sale again. I don't get paid until the end of the month but I really want Icewind dale 2 and Demon Stone :(
lukslo: I will be breef ... Gog I love you!
Titanium: Yes, I'm in briefs right now too.
Corrected that error :P
The edit in the news post confirms that recommended and community deals which already appeared in the sale before today will not appear again in the sale.
Heads-up! The following special deals are making their final appearance today, in our 2013 DRM-Free Winter Sale:
So that would mean there will likely not be an encore day at the end of the sale for all the deals, but it's possible they will do an encore for just deals appearing after today (today is like an encore for the deals from the first week, plus all the recommended ones).
This truly rocks, and kudos for implementing so many changes in a live system. I know how tricky that is.

Off to stock up! If anyone needs a deal on the bundles, let me know, as I have a lot of them already.
chezybezy: hmm did anyone else's daily surprise have the same discount as it had previously?
I have three offers - no surprises - all shit too!
Solstice sale?

Confused . . . Solstice is 20/21st
wanderer_27: Solstice sale?

Confused . . . Solstice is 20/21st
Yeah but they've gotta beat steam to it :p.
Thank you for letting us see the deals in the boxes. One for me was Anachronox (other ones were uninteresting), so I picked it and got the same deal (75% off) like all others (same discount for Anachronox in Daily Surprises). Maybe you can exclude these games from the daily personal deals?
Is it a bad sign if i only read: You own everything from this deal :) ?

Couldn't at last the daily surprises be from the not owned or wishlist?

Now i am depressed....beware depressed Hippos are dangerous
After loading the homepage my wallet ran and hid under the fridge, thanks GOG.
Ok then, I think the Daily Surprise issues are resolved now, so hopefully no more posts or threads about it.

Regarding the bundles, the Community Deals are repeats of what was voted for during the previous days and the Recommended Deals include five new offers and two repeats. I don't think we've seen all of them as there are still ten days left till Dec 29.
Odd is the fact that there's no voting for tomorrow - worst case: there will be no more Community Deals, but there's always the chance that the Deals that lost will appear.

chezybezy: hmm did anyone else's daily surprise have the same discount as it had previously?
Not sure I follow - there's nth in the announcement to indicate that they changed the percentage of discount for any of the games, it just doesn't show right away anymore, only after you make your choice. There's also the chance that your game may have a 100% discount, but that's not new either as a few people reported getting a free game in the Daily Personal Deals tracker thread.
Just a nitpick: I don't understand what is going on with those Shadow Warrior promos
wtf_gog.jpg (269 Kb)
Aaargh, you guys are killing my wallet with all these deals! :-P

A big thank you to Gog to repeat all the bundle deals for those who missed them the first time around. I'm considering picking up the 4x4 bundle of today, together with a bunch of the individual games on sale. Oh, and thank you for changing the daily deal surprise boxes, much better now! Didn't get lucky today, three games there that I don't particularly care for, crossing my fingers for better luck tomorrow! :-) Wooot, and two big thumbs up for adding more free games to the surprises, can't wait to discover which ones might be in there!

I do still hope there's a chance we'll see the bundles again that lost out in the daily vote. Would love to get my hands on the HoMM bundle that was voted out against the Bullfrog one! Same goes for the Settlers bundle.