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gegog: Day 2:
In for Battlegroup.
I had a self-made pizza. As far as I remember, it's the first time eating pizza on Christmas, but it was not bad at all.

Day 3:
In for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3. Is it a trap? An EA game? Origin client? Hmmm, hopefully it also works without it.
Still undecided what to eat. Probably mashing up something from all the former holidays meals remains. But it's hard to mix pizza with anything..
lugum: Congrats you won battlegroup, can you please turn on your pm so i can message you the key.
Oh yes, it should be turned on now. Thanks to you for the event and Sachys for the key itself!
In for day 4 - RefleX

As for strangest gift... one of my great-aunts used to get my sibling and I confused ( Because it's easy to get 'John' and 'Natasha' confused ) and for Christmas one year I opened up the present she sent me and inside was.. a training bra.

.. I regifted it to my sister.
Thank you for the opportunity, lugum, and for changing the number of game someone could potentially win on GOG! Congratulations to the winners!

I'm in for RefleX on Desura!

My grandmother gifts me each year a new golden bracelet or golden chain. Not even once in my life, have I worn jewelery and I can't sell them, because they are gifts after all, so I just keep gathering them in a drawer. By the way, I'm certain I know what I'll be receiving tomorrow when I'll visit her. :)
MadalinStroe: Thank you for the opportunity, lugum, and for changing the number of game someone could potentially win on GOG! Congratulations to the winners!

I'm in for RefleX on Desura!

My grandmother gifts me each year a new golden bracelet or golden chain. Not even once in my life, have I worn jewelery and I can't sell them, because they are gifts after all, so I just keep gathering them in a drawer. By the way, I'm certain I know what I'll be receiving tomorrow when I'll visit her. :)
And thank you.

Hope your grandmother isnt like this woman (watched a documentary about her yesterday) :p She was giving away alot of the stolen merchandise.
And hey maybe one day you will get a daughter to pass some of it on to. ;)
Not in for day 4, but the weirdest and stupidest gift I've ever received is this mechanical piano hand thing.
In for Reflex and Satazius.

(Not in for Incredipede though it is a stunning looking thing.)

I've never gotten a Christmas present but speaking of presents in general... the worst (intentionally) present I ever got was The Life of David Gale. I say that is the worst because that movie is utterly horrid and the friend who gave it to me is the one I saw it with and he hated it as much as I did.
Ejiki won mirror edge but already have it, so next winner for that is Theta_sigma.
OK in for incredipede

worst present I ever got for christmas was an engagement
lugum: Hope your grandmother isnt like this woman...
Highly doubtful. :))
Not in, but thanks to all contributors of Day 4!
In for Incredipede. Thanks lugum and ph7.

Not really a "bad" or "weird" gift, but it was certainly inconvenient when I got an SNES for christmas but the only game I got with it was Mario Paint so I didn't have any game-games to play on it until Star Fox came out unless I rented something.
In once more for:
1. Incredipede
2. Satazius
3. Reflex
with the most unusual (but cool nonetheless) present I can recall: a drinking bird.

Thanks again lugum! :-D
For Day 4, I'm in for Incredipede.

"***Question for today: What is the weirdest/stupidest (christmas) present you ever gotten? (or if never what is the best present?)***"

I can't think of any Christmas gifts that were really weird, but the best present was a PS1 in 1995.

Thank you for having this giveaway!
In for Incredipede.
Weirdest present, when I was a kid my parents get me a pair of action figures that couldn't move. For action figures I thought it was pretty strange.
In for Incredipede, for mrcrispy83.
I was given store catalogues, as a joke, twice. Sears Wish Book when I was eight and Canadian Tire two years ago.

EDIT: Thank you, Stooner.
Post edited December 27, 2013 by NameGoo