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Mackscorner/Worthabuy. Same guy. F'ing brilliant. He just ripped Star Wars Battlefront a new one. Some people criticize him for being overly critical and not liking anything, but he's just very sure of what he likes and doesn't like... and he doesn't play it PC and tell people what they want to hear. At the very least it's a refreshing change.
I didn't know any of those apart from Jim Sterling and Total Biscuit.

Although more "let's play", Gronkh is extremely popular in Germany and even spoke a charakter in Deponia.
Post edited November 25, 2015 by Klumpen0815
What I appreciate in a reviewer or critic is someone who can look at things from perspectives different from the masses.
To me this is more useful than people who just repeat whatever TotalBiscuit, Sterling or Giant Bombs & Co. says.

Any excuse to promote SlasherJPC, he looks at games from more than one perspective, a truly rare skill to have among all of today's critics and reviewers: [url=][/url]

Russell Carey or Mega Media Overload: [url=][/url]
Again, he looks at things from a very different perceptive than 90% of all critics and reviewers.

We all look for people who represent our interests and priorities.
Not into Let's Players myself but can't hurt to check it out, thanks.
I think that both sides are useful, specially those three you've mentioned because I read a lot of criticism for them being too harsh or cynical. People are weird. But I see your point.

Going to check you recommendations aswell, thanks.
Just a tip though, your links are formatted wrong, they redirect to the forum instead of redirecting to the specific pages. ;)

EDIT: Checked out all of them, opinions:

Gronkh is a no go for me, not only because the "let's play" format, but also because unfortunately I don't speak German lel.
Slasher is okay-ish I guess. Found it too average, you said rare skills? ehhhhh.
Mega Media Overload not okay, didn't like it at all. I've found it waaaay too apologetic and nothing like you said from a different perspective (also, an awful lot of posts involving weed on that blog, nothing against it at all, but games you know?)

Still, thanks for the suggestions keep them coming. :)
Post edited November 25, 2015 by neurasthenya
Ggmanlives knows his stuff. I started watching via recommendation and that guy is spot on, plus reviews stuff I have in boxes but never got around to installing (Catechumen).
No mention of SomecallmeJohnny? Time to fix this! (EDIT: actually, there was, dammit.. I'll pretend I never saw that little mention in that one post)

While he's primarily a console gamer he does dip into PC games once in a while (especially in his spotlight mini-series) and his backlog of entertaining and well-put reviews should be a blast to sit through, among his streams and even short sketches. You won't leave the building disappointed.

He's currently doing a Metal Gear marathon, with review of Metal Gear 1 and 2 + NES Metal Gear with Snake's Revenge already done, and MGS1 review should be done by the thanksgiving.

Oh, and he's also a co-commentator on , they're good buncha fellows to listen to, too. Among with [url=]HellFireComms.

AND he has a let's play channel over at SuperGamingBrothers.
Post edited November 26, 2015 by WesleyB
*updated OP bump*

It's been a while. u.u
*Another update bump*

Was going to wait until moar discoveries but I think that the ones I've found could get some love and attention now. :)
Pixlemusement, he's a developer and makes interesting, well informed and detailed critics of old dos games.
thinreaper is a highly underrated one:
I'm having the weirdest feeling, I could have sworn I've had recommended/watched/subscribed to his channel before. :v

Anyway, adding it to the OP thanks. :)
Post edited August 07, 2016 by neurasthenya
Satchbag's Goods
Super Bunnyhop
Mr. Btongue/Bob Case/Bobby the Tongue
Archengeia/Lore Runner
Errant Signal
SHMUP Master
Mark Brown/Game maker's toolkit
Pushinguproses, LGR, Somecallmejohnny - Not quite analytical but they do provide great and lengthy reviews
neurasthenya: Al Russell
What happened to this guy?
Post edited August 08, 2016 by ResidentLeever
ResidentLeever: Satchbag's Goods
This is soooo good! Thanks

neurasthenya: Al Russell
ResidentLeever: What happened to this guy?
It saddens me that we don't know why he deleted his channel or what happened. :/
Occasionally I try to find some more info, or someone who maybe backed up his videos, but unfortunately there's nothing.
I've managed to download one of this videos from dailymotion or vimeo (can't remember), I wanted to ask the user who uploaded for more info or videos, but I can't find it anymore.
Matt Barton
William Strife
Cosmic Engine
Post edited August 08, 2016 by patrikc
Game Boy World:
Generation 16:
Ancient DOS Games:
PlayStation Year One:
Post edited August 13, 2016 by ResidentLeever