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There's a reason for this, it serves no purpose when I have to create a thread to say what I wish, so this is that thread.


Explore our catalog of carefully selected games and we are pretty sure you will find many titles you wish you had in your collection. :)
Share wishlist with: Nobody

This is how it will always remain, I don't wish for games sold on GOG, i buy them or not, they are here, no wishing needed.

Wishlisted titles
Every game ever released on any platform ever made, all of them in no specific order, just ASAP, but without compromising the core values of GOG.
Really these are my own core values, ones that GOG is already matching (mostly).

This is my only must have, I would buy from Ubisoft with DRM, if I could ditch Uplay. Origin Steam and (Galaxy, I can ditch this one, added to make the point crystal clear).
These are stores, I want to buy a game, and nothing but the game, not your online bloatware.

No mod "Workshop"
Not talking about mod hosting, Nexus Mods type hosting is fine.
It's restricting mods to force a single click "Subscribe" system.
"Subscribe" is what Valve called downloading mods. from the start, ever wonder why?
Valve/Bethesda surely never planned to sell mods from the start (Skyrim Workshop was 1st one).
NO! Surely not, how could you think that?
I do think that, a store wants a cut of mod money, for games, they merely sell, of course that was the plan.

DRM Free
Not debating multi-player as that's outside GOG, it doesn't count, besides I'm mostly an SPG player.

This is not as important, but needs changing all the same

Deluxe Editions
This is specifically referring to the "Added Value" items like soundtracks, pics and docs, don't mind these as added extras, but would never, ever pay for such crap, that's "Minus Value" to me.
I don't blame GOG for the existence of such crap, that's the publishers fault.
I do blame GOG for allowing such crap to be sold on this store, that's entirely GOG's fault.

If it's a publisher requirement to sell that game on GOG, then tell that publisher where to shove their game.
I'd rather not have the game n GOG at all, than accept this bullshit.

Prices are current full price in Britain (UK), a sale is on at time of posting.

Included goodies: 8 wallpapers+ almanac+ map+ 19 ringtones + soundtrack (FLAC) + soundtrack (MP3) + documentary

Included goodies: 8 wallpapers+ almanac+ collector's book+ cookbook + map + guide + 19 ringtones + soundtrack (FLAC) + soundtrack (MP3) + documentary + 35 concept art + novella (coming soon)

this is what I bought, the basic game version
Included goodies: manual

Nearly double the price, for junk extras I expect for free, on GOG as the "Added Value".
If the publisher wants to sell that, crap, for double the game price, let them stay on Steam, i don't want anything to do with such rubbish
I give this example, because it's stopping me from buying their DLC, each time I think about it, and look, I get a dose of Champion Royal Rage and think, "WTF am I thinking of giving these more money for", and don't get the DLC.
(Not quite double, I know, but close enough for the point I'm making).

That's about it, the Like/Dislike (Rep) posts crap on forums, is also something I detest. I want to see every single comment, in the order first posted, and I'll form my own opinions on what's actually written, in those posts.
I don't care what you think. if you don't write your own post, if you take the time to tell me in a post, I will read it.

Don't say TLDR and comment, just don't comment, if it' TLDR.
Comment without reading, and I'll rip your argument to shreds if I have to reply, with this acronym
RTFP (RTFM (Post) if that went over your head).

So I've got principles and standards, why I'm on GOG and not Steam.

Over to GOG to meet my wishlists requirements, they only need to try a little harder, backsliding isn't allowed.
Post edited April 18, 2016 by UhuruNUru
no that's cut and paste from GOG site, it's GOG's caps lock that got stuck, glad you noticed, thought someone would, then I can add this extra point.
And you may find yourself reading a very long OP, without a clear point
And you may ask did I get here?
Feels almost like another take on Important Issue.
Breja: And you may ask did I get here?
I was bored and obsessively clicked on every thread in the hopes of finding some small point I could desperately cling to and make a joke on.
Nothing like an Important Issue

I simply clicked on the Wishlist, thing.
Saw it appeared to have the sole purpose of making a list of games I could already buy on GOG, if I wanted them, and I must make it clear, I've never tried using it, that's just my impression from seeing the empty page.

I started the post by cutting and pasting that page as I saw it, then converted that template into my actual Wishlist , as I wanted it to be seen, things I want to keep and a couple of items that could be improved,

It is my GOG wishlist, nothing more nothing less.

It's 1.30 AM here in UK, and I rise for work at 6 AM, so this is all I'm adding for now.
Post edited April 18, 2016 by UhuruNUru
Breja: And you may find yourself reading a very long OP, without a clear point
And you may ask did I get here?
That is not his beautiful house.
That is not his beautiful wife.

...and the days go by.