Darvond: If you're too poor as to worry over 10 dollars, then reconsider your financial decisions...
While I agree with some of your points, that comment (quoted above) is certainly elitist and childish.
Everyone has different resources... and different priorities. And TBH we're talking about a very low priority product in the grand scheme of life (although high enjoyment) -- games.
Ascribing a lack of resources or poor life choices to someone who simply questions price points is certainly the height of elitism.
The OP has already been made aware that GOG doesn't set the prices... and that there are plentiful sales.
That should be the end of it.
Trying to then tear him (or her) down is childish.
Reminds me of that Eddie Murphy bit "Nah, nah, I got some ice cream. I got some ice cream. But you can't have none, but you can't have none. Cuz your daddy's on the welfare!"