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My computers:
TI-58C (I count it, since it was programmable)
ZX80 (not working)
ZX81 (a lot more drab looking than the ZX80, but it worked)
VIC-20 (display colour was stored in nybbles, half bytes)
Commodore 128 (most amazing piece of tech, two different CPU's, two different display chips)
Amiga 500 (used for 6.5 years)
Then PC's of various sorts (initially with OS/2 as the OS)
Atari 800.

If I remember right, it had a whopping 16KB of RAM (which cost a fortune back then). Cassette tape for a 'drive'. I eventually saved up for a diskette drive (which also cost a fortune).

The first modem I got for the thing was a 300 baud acoustic coupler (you had to dial the phone yourself then push the handset into the cups).

Yeah - you read all that right. 16KB - not MB or GB. And 300 baud, which is what they called bits-per-second back then. 300 bps - not kbps or mbps. Just plain old bits-per-second. The basic search page would take about 15 minutes to load at that speed. Porn was done with ASCII art. That's the way it was, and we liked it! We loved it!

Damn, I'm old. Anyone want to buy some classic albums on 8 track tape?
Post edited January 08, 2015 by mwb1100
^got any compact tapes ?
i never even seen an 8 track ;p
mine was a Vic-20 , ah back in the days when the computer games themselves could be found in the pages of some magazines just waiting for one to input the code line by line. =D
snowkatt: ^got any compact tapes ?
i never even seen an 8 track ;p
oh yeah, we used standard cassette tape to store the games that we typed into the Vic-20 (didn't really work that well though)
Post edited January 08, 2015 by Rusty_Gunn
djdarko: Yes, that turbo button actually made it run like 10x faster. I can't remember any real reason to turn it off.
snowkatt: i read that the turbo button does nothing though
it actually slows your machine down
LOL. The turbo button. I think it does not do nothing at all. I remember asking my father a lot why it was called TURBO if it does not improve the computer speed at all.

My first computer was my dad's one. I said mine because was in the house.

-25 MB HDD (Or 250. Not sure.) It was very heavy and big, much more than a CD/DVD/Bluray unit.
-Black and White monitor.
-A 5 1/4 floppy unit. Later a 3 1/2.
-It only worked under DOS, so I am not sure which was the computer core. Maybe a 386.

After some time my father updated some components but we stick with DOS. Later the HDD dies so we migrates into Windows world. Kinda miss DOS, even nowadays.
Post edited January 08, 2015 by montcer9012
I can't really tell, I was very young. All I can remember is it had Windows 95 installed but I didn't care since I only used it for DOS games.
Rusty_Gunn: oh yeah, we used standard cassette tape to store the games that we typed into the Vic-20 (didn't really work that well though)
Worked well enough for me, IIRC, contrary to the ZX81, which I never got to load anything from tape. (But it used a normal tape player, and the VIC-20 had a custom tape drive that went with it.)
An amstrad, can't recall the exact model. A present from my cousin, together with a shoe box full of floppys with games (pirated, I reckon). It also had a casette tape reader for a few of the games.

I learned how to program in Basic on that computer. It had no hard disk, I asked for some virgin floppys one Christmas so I could store my programs. I loved that computer.
Mine was a Commodore 16, parents bought it instead of a Commodore 64 to make sure it wasn't just going to used a few times and then left alone.

Needless to say it got used a lot so December 1985 they bought a 48k Spectrum, we spent the entire afternoon trying to load in a game on it out of the pack that came with it. We managed to get Pedro to load after 3 hours but with it sounding and looking terrible and all the other games in the pack failing to load it was took back and we got our Commodore 64.

I still have the exact same Commodore 64 today and love it
A PowerMac 6500 (32 MB ram, 225MHz processor, 3GB hard drive). Think that model was released in '97. I'd used earlier computers quite a while before that at school, and we'd borrowed one other before from my mom's work for a while, but I'm pretty sure that was the first one we actually owned.

I seem to recall a lot of messing with HTML code to make simple webpages, playing Ambrosia Software games (Cythera, Harry the Handsome Executive, Swoop), playing Warcraft 2, Descent 2, and Mechwarrior 2, and painting sprites for a sprite comic with an art program called "Color It!".
I used to have an Atari – forgot which one, but the keyboard was also the computer case, and it had a separate 3.5'' floppy unit. Then I got my first PC, and the specs were the following:

286 processor, 25 MHz
2 MB RAM (later upgraded to 4 MB)
EGA graphics card
40 MB hard drive
5.25'' and 3.25'' floppy drives

Games: Prince of Persia, SimCity, Commander Keen 4 and 5, Civilization, Monkey Island and many more...
Other software: Windows 3.11, Norton Commander for DOS (a file directory explorer), Dr Halo Plus (drawing).

The graphics card was actually the bottleneck in my system. Without EGA I couldn't play games like Monkey Island 2, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, SimCity 2000, GPC Formula 1 etc.
My first own computer was a Commodore 128, which could be switched to aCommodore 64 mode, so I was able to play all those C64 games.
I had a Datasette drive and a Disk drive and a green monitor, meaning the monitor was able to show black and shades of green, very much similar to a b/w tv. Such monitors where not unusual in the 80s!
It was a while ago but I'm pretty sure it was a 16mhz 386dx (maybe an sx).
I can't remember how much ram or HD space it had. Not a lot
that's for sure (in the low low megabytes for ram.) It was
running MS-DOS 5. I eventually upgraded it to a 66mhz 486dx.
I didn't get a modem until years later. heh

I wouldn't want to go back but DOS was a lot of fun to learn to use. Typing
in the commands to install the software from floppy discs and then to open
the directory and run the program. It was all new to me at the time and
I loved every minute of it. Good times! :)

EDIT: The above was my first PC but I did have a Tandy Color Computer 2 with
a cassette drive before that. I wanted a Commodore 64 but I got what I got.

Although, I do now have both a Coco 3 & a C64 so 'sall good. :)
Post edited January 08, 2015 by PhilD
djdarko: Yes, that turbo button actually made it run like 10x faster. I can't remember any real reason to turn it off.
Well, some ancient games might run too fast otherwise. :)

On some PCs, I think the turbo button may have e.g. disabled the CPU cache (which made the system slower). Normally you could do that also from BIOS settings, of course.

I recall disabling CPU cache because otherwise the digitized sounds wouldn't work on some Sierra adventure games (Space Quest 4 etc.). I think Sierra fixed that bug later, though.

Oh right, and my first home computer was Texas Instruments TI-99/4A. I don't think IBM PC really existed back then... or maybe it did, but I think most corporations were still using CP/M-computers, not PCs.

TI kicked ass, pretty good color graphics. Too bad it didn't become as successful as Commodore machines, the only Finnish importer for TI stopped importing it at some point so I couldn't even get newer games for it anymore, even though apparently more games were still made for it overseas. I would have loved to have some of them.

Luckily in my adulthood I've found a working TI-99/4A emulator.
Post edited January 08, 2015 by timppu
Maxvorstadt: ...and a green monitor, meaning the monitor was able to show black and shades of green, very much similar to a b/w tv. Such monitors where not unusual in the 80s!
My friend had a C64 with the green monitor back in '85. I loved playing games on that monitor!
It seemed so much more hi-tech that a tv set.

Lode Runner Rulz!!! lol