From Lucas, I'm down for just about anything. I have some of the Star Wars titles on Steam, as well as that four-game adventure pack, so they aren't as much of a priority. Exception there is Fate of Atlantis, where the Steam version doesn't emulate the original CD soundtrack properly without a bit more screwing around then I feel like doing. Also FoA might be my favorite game in the genre, so I'd buy it immediately regardless.
The Star Wars flight sims, any of the other point-and-click games, or Outlaws I'd buy immediately. I'd wake up early for, even. I've never played Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, so I'd like to see that as well. Was there a PC release of Episode One: Racer?
On the Disney end of things, nothing immediately jumps out except for Tron 2.0 and some really old edutainment releases that'd be solely for my early childhood nostalgia purposes.