Dray2k: I feel like Terrarias 1.4 update is going to be amazing as well, though thats just speculation. The 5 years of development time promises very good things.
The person before me said this but I also think Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3D is great. Its the best game to talk with nostalgic friends about. I would love to see it on here even if a release on here is impossible.
The best game that came out to nobodies suprise is Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord though. That game is simply incredible to say the least. Its too bad its only in early access and not a full release. Knowing the developers I know that they will take much longer than they state (about 1 year in Early Access). Even considering the the 8 years of active waiting this game is simply absolutely stellar regardless. Shame about the lack of a proper GOG release.
What is stellar about bannerlord? I played one build, it’s just m&b with a better overland map, and larger battle size. I didn’t get to sieges which are meant to be better. But other than that it’s just a graphic upgrade to m&b. Did not notice anything new.
Was missing npc’s. Archery was a pain (click to load arrow, click to start cursor, click to fire, real downgrade from m&b’s archery).
I mean it’s nice enough, but nothing wow about it, especially for 10 years dev time to get to a demo.
At least 5years more dev time. Then another year or two before the good mods come out (PoP for instance), so hardly 2020, more like 2030!