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Is GOG going to have another big sale this month? Christmas is around 4 days away. How come their winter sale ended so early?
y_u_no.jpg (272 Kb)
monkeydelarge: Is GOG going to have another big sale this month? Christmas is around 4 days away. How come their winter sale ended so early?
because nobody has money after steam
johnnygoging: because nobody has money after steam
I try to avoid boiling my money...
Do people really want ... another one? (shoutout to DJ Khaled) I mean, if more sales gives GOG extra needed time to prepare more releases... no money from me, though.
tfishell: Do people really want ... another one?...
Yeah, why not? :D
Maybe some members missed both fall and winter sales or they want to buy Xmas gifts.
Probably not, Steam sale may start tomorrow and GOG wouldn't let sale dates overlap.
maybe some big releases before xmas? *Stillhopingforoblivion/fallout3/falloutnewvegas*
Please no. After two big sales recently, I think it's time to stop for a while and release some games instead.
BIG Sale?
I don't mind small sale. :D
monkeydelarge: Is GOG going to have another big sale this month? Christmas is around 4 days away. How come their winter sale ended so early?
They already had two sales close together recently. Cant recall the last time gog actually had a sale right on or very close to xmas. a mini one is usually around new years?
From Florida?
There were two big sisterly sales before you came in here. Most likely there won't be any new ones after these two, even during Christmas day itself. I'm willing to bet that your best bet is to wait for a New Year's sale, and this time, take advantage of it as I feel there won't be anymore sales after that for quite the time.
I've never done Steam and never will. I'm ready for the big GoG Christmas sale!
I'm glad that there is no sale, since i just lost 293€ to a scammer :(
Terpor: since i just lost 293€ to a scammer :(
Whoa, that's terrible! How'd that happen? (In case you didn't forget a decimal point in there)