nuker43: So i have the dreaded "The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is mising form your computer" error and ive read all about it. It seems the only fix is to install Service Pack 1 if you are on windows 7. Well i refuse to do this because i am avoiding windows 10 like the plague and having service pack 1 installed is a gateway for microsoft to automatically update your computer to windows 10.
So, am i screwed? Is there a fix for this or am i not using gog galaxy anymore?
I would really really really really like to use gog galaxy.
1) SP1 is not a 'gateway' for MS to automatically update your PC. The list of updates that do that is well-known. 2) It is very, very easy to block GWX (the auto-updating program). Here is the script I use, it's very comprehensive and blocks only the needed updates: I prefer a script because I can read it. There are many other programs like this if you prefer to get one.
Think of updating your PC as doing regular car maintenance. Cars need to have their oil check and replaced, tires adjusted and replaced, etc. PCs need similar types of things, on a regular schedule.
Just because low oil and crappy tires haven't killed someone yet doesn't mean they don't need to take their car into the shop, it just means they're a danger to everyone around them. Similarly, a PC that hasn't had updates in years is a danger to you and everyone around you - it's probably part of a botnet or has some malware on it.
rtcvb32: At this moment i'm quite satisfied at not having updates enabled, and i can live without SP1. True some of the new programs and games aren't available, but there's decades of programs and games to enjoy.
However you can still run newer programs even if they require the VS2015 components, you just have to extract them and manually copy the dll's. I don't know if that is a proper or official way to do it, but i got a few programs to work that way...
You can maybe live without SP1, but everyone around you can't live with you not updating your PC.
Do you know the #1 cause of being part of a botnet / having a virus or malware? It's running an outdated version of the OS. Do you know what botnets and computers with malware do? Pose a danger to everyone else on the internet. You think I'm exaggerating but I'm really not - computers can be part of a botnet from anywhere, and organized crime hiding their tracks behind innocent but infected PCs is a real problem.
Think of updating your PC as doing regular car maintenance. Cars need to have their oil check and replaced, tires adjusted and replaced, etc. PCs need similar types of things, on a regular schedule.
Just because low oil and crappy tires haven't killed a driver yet doesn't mean they don't need to take their car into the shop, it just means they're a danger to everyone around them. Similarly, a PC that hasn't had updates in years is a danger to you and everyone around you, and you need to do the responsible thing and either:
1) Remove the PC from the internet (irritating) or
2) Update the OS (much less irritating, generally)