kitsuneae: I would buy Thronebreaker.
Getting kegs is not hard once you get used to Gwent. Arena nets you a keg each time and can even be a net profit if you get lucky. I get a lot of kegs from playing in ranked then using the ore to play in Arena. I'm not top 100 or anything like that, either, so most people can do this.
Premium kegs are a lot rarer than normal kegs and Thronebreaker also gives special avatars for Gwent.
Yeah i play ranked and arena and still haven't gotten the cards i want for some builds. It's pretty competitive in ranked matches as you'd know. I made it to 13th in the australia and oceania region but that's nothing, global atm i'm like 1400 and something hahaha..
I think i could get a little higher if i could build whatever deck i wanted to but i'm limited to the cards i've manged to scrounge so far. I think thronebreaker might be an alright way to pad my cards out. Still am tossing up between buying another 25 kegs outright or going the thronebreaker route.
Playing homecoming has made me want to play witcher 3 and all the expansions again. It's made me miss me ole mate Geralt :)