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You won't convince the DRM-Free diehards, and most of us who are less fanatical already use Steam to some extent. This is a wasted post, and totally unnecessary.
If it's still steaming, avoid it.

Steam is the reason we never got Half-Life 3. They were too busy making money with online DRM.
foad01: ...You should at least have the guts to use your real account so that we can see who is bored today. LOL.
agogfan: Shhhhh... if you point fingers at him then people would be entitled to point fingers at me ;)
Nah. I am not pointing fingers at you. ;)

agogfan: Ironically, I am bored... or depressed... or tired... which is why I'm posting en masse today, or at least for me it's a lot of posts.
If you are bored you can watch Star Wars generated by AI:
Iohannis42: If it's still steaming, avoid it.

Steam is the reason we never got Half-Life 3. They were too busy making money with online DRM.
now you might be mad that there is no half-life 3 but that's okay there are fan made games entropy zero 1 and 2 snowdrop escape and swelter
Hamzat_Gelagaev: just because steam has the steamworks drm disliked by some in the community that doesn't mean steam is hated
Steam isn't hated except by a minority of people.

Hamzat_Gelagaev: gog might despise drm but it's still no match for steam afterall steam has workshop support and screenshot support which gog doesn't have
No shit, we all know that from their market share that Valve has at least 157x the revenue than GOG. It's 2 magnitudes of difference off and they certainly don't need fans supporting them through passive-aggressive attacks on their competitor's forums, LOL.
"Steam is very successful."

Gee, no shit.
Hamzat_Gelagaev: Now i know you are gog fanboys who hate valve their app steam because you think it has restrictive drm but it's not what you think
Oh, it's exactly what I think.

I think Steam's most restrictive DRM is the social media integration. They're putting infantilized gamers on leaderboards, shower them with pathetic popups, virtual medals, game cards, gamer levels, gamer points and other assorted cereal box level customer loyalty crap until the tacked on social media bullshit becomes the actual entertainment product. And you can't download the social media bullshit from piratebay, can you. They call it "soft DRM", but it's rock hard enough to rip good game design principles to shreds.
Post edited 12 hours ago by Vainamoinen
Hamzat_Gelagaev: Now i know you are gog fanboys who hate valve their app steam because you think it has restrictive drm but it's not what you think
Vainamoinen: Oh, it's exactly what I think.

I think Steam's most restrictive DRM is the social media integration. They're putting infantilized gamers on leaderboards, shower them with pathetic popups, virtual medals, game cards, gamer levels, gamer points and other assorted cereal box level customer loyalty crap until the tacked on social media bullshit becomes the actual entertainment product. And you can't download the social media bullshit from piratebay, can you. They call it "soft DRM", but it's rock hard enough to rip good game design principles to shreds.
and they say that valve is a "muh consumer-friendly company"
Steam fanboy baits GOG community; Film at eleven.
I am only okay with Steam DRM because it's so easy to circumvent and if it were any other way I would never have accepted it to begin with. Though, I wasn't born with these sensibilities either and it's really surprising how many old PC games I own have such awful DRM that it can be incredibly difficult to get them running on modern systems for no good reason. Most of it being disk-based DRM of varying levels of awfulness

The worst aspect is probably the lack of consumer information. I think I should have a right to be informed what kind of DRM is implemented in a game and how exactly it works beforehand in order to make an informed purchasing decision at all and you simply don't get that. If awesome developers release their games completely without DRM on Steam, for example CD Projekt Red games or Baldur's Gate 3, then there is nothing on the store page to point that out. No tags or special notes anywhere
Are the Steam DRM servers down and not letting people login?

Asking because I'd think that they would be logged into Steam and playing their games, not here evangelizing.
yup I know steam has an offline mode, but few games support it well even steamworks ones. so yeah theoretically you could play the games still if steam went down, but what happens if your SSD dies or HDD dies? how will you redownload it? what happens if you lose your backups yes I know you can make those using steam? say you didnt back it up to a phyiscal device? What happens if you use cloud services? (not that I do this is for the sake of discussion) and they go down and take your back ups with you?

what happens if you owned a game that does not support offline mode properly? back ups wont matter much then.
this is why despite using steam I use gog and other drm free stores, I can have a copy backed up that I know 99 percent of the time will work.

I know this is a bait thread I shouldnt even bother replying in the first place, but fuck it, its a boring sunday night and its too cold to go to church.
I'm not sold on the matter. It seems as though it would be far simpler to not have DRM in the first place.
Quit trying to smooth things over with the locals.
Hamzat_Gelagaev: gog might despise drm ...
They don't. That's my problem with them.