GameRager: 1. They aren't legally obligated to share their own source code/etc just because they take what others are offering for free.
SO WHAT? Again, I defend your legal right to be an arsehole and total idiot but it doesn't mean I encourage it or that being nice and doing the right thing shouldn't be encouraged. Or that people or companies shouldn't be criticized for being uncooperative asshole leeches. I'm trying to be nice to my neighbor and clean up the environment I live in, and I'm *glad* the law doesn't demand this of me.
Legally this, legally that, I don't really give a fuck. Laws are just the bare minimum we apparently need to get along without chaos (and they even fail at that all too often). There's much more to being a socially applaudable entity than just following the letter of the law (and honestly I think there are enough stupid laws that following them isn't even necessary).
Legally, GOG didn't have to be a DRM free store. You know, they could've joined the others in the game to "protect" their and their parters' secrets/brand/magic sauce/whateverthefuck... with DRM. I'm glad GOG realized this is not necessary!
Legally, I could go to the church's "bread queue" (where they hand off food for the poor), even though I'm not poor. You know. I'm pretty sure most people would (rightfully) criticize me for that, if they knew.
I don't want a world where we need to *force* people and companies to be nice by using laws, I want a world where being nice is the default (and expected) thing to do. Laws are best left for resolving conflict when things get heated.
And I want to live in a society where we can make progress by collaborating & building upon others' work instead of this nonsense where a ridiculous amount of time and energy is spent reinventing the wheel (badly, and then suffering the consequences) because companies are obsessed with "protection" and cannot collaborate. People are left with products that break and cannot be fixed without unreasonable amount of effort because of all the secret sauce. etc. etc. It's a massive waste of our planet's already limited resources.
As for games, getting them DRM-free is just the tip of the iceberg. Ideally we can build upon them like people have built upon the source code of Doom and many other titles that were released with source code. That way we can port them and run them on any platform we like, fix bugs that the developer doesn't have time/money to fix, improve graphics, improve performance, improve compatibility, add features, etc. etc. etc. Most of this isn't
A lot of the tools I use today to make gaming enjoyable for me are open source. Why not Galaxy? Because secret sauce and brand and blah blah protect this protect that because legally yada yada. What a farce.
If someone's going to tell me that I should put my money where my mouth is and support open source by donations, the logical conclusion should be to also stop purchasing games from GOG because that supports the development of a proprietary gaming client. (And then I'd have more money to donate...) Actually, that's probably wise?