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low rated
I know for me its modding and the province expansion mods like Skyblivion.
Is that you Geralt?
(Or Jon_Irenicus or whatever)
Post edited February 16, 2022 by NuffCatnip
Because its world is just so glorious in VR.
Post edited February 17, 2022 by KasperHviid
Its not.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is not my favorite RPG video game at all, the modding capabilities it has, sure I love that, but that is about it.
low rated
Johnson444: Why is Skyrim your favourite RPG?
It's not.

And I never played it because it's infested with DRM.

I have played other Bethesda-made games though, like Fallout 3 and Oblivion, both of which were abysmally terrible. I'm sure Skyrim is on par with them in terms of how bad it is.
Post edited February 17, 2022 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
I tried playing Skyrim several times but could never get very far. Not sure why it doesn't click with me like Morrowind and Oblivion. I know people say it was watered down compared to the old ones but I didn't even get far enough to see that. The first town already had me yawning from boredom
low rated
Dark Souls is my favorite rpg series. Bloodborne is my favorite RPG on it's own. The Surge is my favorite RPG on PC. Skyrim isn't very good, and I've bought virtually every PC edition there is. I spent 100's of hours on it back in 2011/2012. Then I really got gud and started playing souls-likes a LOT. Skyrim just doesn't tickle that itch anymore.
It's not... but it was / is a beautiful world with fun exploration and an amazing soundtrack.
Don't feed the trolls.
It's not my favorite RPG of all time but it's one of my favorites. The reasons are too numerous to list. It's a great world, its RPG mechanics aim for ease of use rather than being convoluted and overly complex, its story feels epic (even if it's not as character-driven as a lot of people prefer) and the sheer amount of player freedom is absurd in such a beautiful way.
It ain't. Even in its own series I like it more than Oblivion (better story, more distinct and interesting world, better combat and more fun things to do in general), but less than Daggerfall and Morrowind,
Chasmancer: It ain't. Even in its own series I like it more than Oblivion (better story, more distinct and interesting world, better combat and more fun things to do in general), but less than Daggerfall and Morrowind,
It's funny because to me, Oblivion was the pinnacle of the series due to its blend of old school and new school (for the time) gameplay. The dungeons in Skyrim are way better and the combat is way better, but Oblivion just checked a lot more of the boxes for me than any of the rest of the series.

Even so, I think all of them are fantastic, even the spinoff titles and yes, even ESO.
JakobFel: It's funny because to me, Oblivion was the pinnacle of the series due to its blend of old school and new school (for the time) gameplay. The dungeons in Skyrim are way better and the combat is way better, but Oblivion just checked a lot more of the boxes for me than any of the rest of the series.
Oblivion by no means' a bad game. Just didn't click with me as well as the others, I felt like it tried to do everything and the end result turned out to be bland-ish all over, more so that many of its new features didn't measure up to extant Morrowind mods.
Might be a grognard in me, but then, I also felt that Skyrim did right what Oblivion didn't quite got.
Still, if you wanted everything and the kitchen sink, I guess I could see why it would be your favourite.
JakobFel: Even so, I think all of them are fantastic, even the spinoff titles and yes, even ESO.
Never met anyone before who'd say Travels were fantastic, or even good, and I've heard that about mobile Prince of Persia (from a die-hard fan of original platformers).
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