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sanscript: I use my left hand to write but use my right hand to operate a right-mouse and scissors and there was no controllers for lefthanded when I grew up.

My guess is that most left-handed is "forced" to use whatever they can get, or get used to a friends right-handed mouse. And this became the norm and too few demanded it as it needs a big enough marked for investors to actually make them in big enough quanta. The only place that I have seen a left-controller or mouse is on aliexpress.

Curiously, I wonder what the real definition of left-handed is, and what criteria there is...
My gf's son is lefthanded. He writes with his left, and shoots basketball with his left. I did notice that he "mouses", and uses scissors with his right though, because, as you mentioned, he is "forced" to (the scissors anyway.....I have seen left handed scissors available for sale though before). I have a friend who also bought and uses left-handed golf clubs, and a lefty glove (fits on his right hand of course) so he can throw lefty. Not sure what the official criteria is for labeling someone, but generally speaking, pretty much everyone I have known that writes with their left hand, is considered "lefty"
Strijkbout: I consider gamepads actually better suited for lefthand people, the most important controls (directional) are always on the left side.
And for joysticks there is the T16000.M.
Preach it! You always do and you have one convert here - still love mine thanks to you!

The flight stick is really the only one I "need" / want to have left handed (it's annoying to have the ergonomic "bumps and ridges" on the wrong side poking into my hand) and this stick is perfect for that.

As far as mice and controllers - it just feels totally natural to use "stock" equipment. Probably because I "learned" on them - and I prefer a "neutral" mouse anyway so I don't have to worry about hand contours and such.

As far as guitar - there's a reason so many of the greats are left handed! From Day One, you're using your stronger more agile hand to depress the strings. I would NEVER want a "left handed" guitar.
Punkoinyc: I'm kind of surprised that controllers designed for left handed people aren't commonplace.
Well, mouse is for one hand, so yeah, there is a reason for companies to make other than right handed versions, but since controllers are meant to be for two hands, how could it be left/right handed? Gotta use them both! Don't tell me one hand can't press button and the other can.... Like, are we supposed to make left handed keyboards with a vertical space bar and triangular enter along with num keys on the left? Doesn't sound that silly? So does the controller for lefties!
Strijkbout: And for joysticks there is the T16000.M.
Ixamyakxim: Preach it! You always do and you have one convert here - still love mine thanks to you!
You're welcome. :^)
I recently bought another one, now I have even a better setup than HOT ASS for Elite: Dangerous. :^P
Post edited October 15, 2016 by Strijkbout
sanscript: I use my left hand to write but use my right hand to operate a right-mouse and scissors and there was no controllers for lefthanded when I grew up.

My guess is that most left-handed is "forced" to use whatever they can get, or get used to a friends right-handed mouse. And this became the norm and too few demanded it as it needs a big enough marked for investors to actually make them in big enough quanta. The only place that I have seen a left-controller or mouse is on aliexpress.

Curiously, I wonder what the real definition of left-handed is, and what criteria there is...
Zoltan999: My gf's son is lefthanded. He writes with his left, and shoots basketball with his left. I did notice that he "mouses", and uses scissors with his right though, because, as you mentioned, he is "forced" to (the scissors anyway.....I have seen left handed scissors available for sale though before). I have a friend who also bought and uses left-handed golf clubs, and a lefty glove (fits on his right hand of course) so he can throw lefty. Not sure what the official criteria is for labeling someone, but generally speaking, pretty much everyone I have known that writes with their left hand, is considered "lefty"
The last time I read about that it it was estimated that only 10-12 percent are left-handed, and because of this dominance we're left with VERY few options. However, I remember when the first time I was introduced to a mouse or a controller it just felt "normal" to use my right hand. Don't know why, but my right hand is the dominant one, yet I was labeled as a lefty. When I first started at school they tried to "force" me to write or to use a knife ONLY in my right hand.

Both my hands can handle pretty much the same thing (except writing and hitting/throwing, can't mix those), so imaging how much pita I was to the officers in the military: The MP5 was fine with either side and I was constantly told to make up my mind :-)

It's a shame that some kids can't make that choice for themselves and must suffer for ignorance, because of the lack of alternatives or understanding. No PS controller or flightsim controller that I have seen can be used by a left handed. The movement is always on the right side, and the options are always on the left side. At the same time, when you're young you tend to be more adaptive, and the "forcing" tends to be less problematic.
Yep, you get used to it. I'm lefthanded and I use a regular scissor with my left hand. It's of course not perfect, but most time it's still usable. It's the same with kitchen knives. Most of them don't have universal grasps, so I use the anterior part of the grasp to get at least a secure grip. Again, it's not the best solution and after a while my wrist starts to hurt, but it's practical and cheaper than to get special knives only for me. Talking about computer controls, I use my mouse and trackpad most of the time with my right hand, but that's because you are forced to keep the left hand on the keyboard. Just check the most important keys and shortcuts, to use the right hand for them is unusable. But in some lazy moments, as example if I only read some texts and don't need the keyboard, I often automatically move my mouse to the left side or cross my left hand across the table. That's the proof that deep inside I'm still left-handed, also in front of a computer ;-)

Talking about game controllers: I have a Rumblepad from Logitech, but honestly I don't use it very often. While in action I often got confused to press the right buttons. But that's maybe I only grew up with personal computers and I never really got in touch with gamepads. Last month I finally bought a joystick, a Thrustmaster TM16000. Good thing about it is that you can change the grasp to use it with both hands. I decided to remove the special grips holder to get an universal stick, which allows me that I can easily switch between both hands. At the moment I'm not sure. Using the left hand it seems my controls are more precise, but then in most games I still need to use the left hand for keyboard shortcuts. Left hand seems to be more natural and intuitive, but using controls (mouse, trackpad, joystick) with the right hand is what I got instill into in case I need to be concentrated.
Post edited October 15, 2016 by DukeNukemForever
Punkoinyc: I'm kind of surprised that controllers designed for left handed people aren't commonplace. I've seen left handed computer mice, scissors and guitars etc. but not a lot of controllers. I'm right handed myself so it doesn't particularly matter to me, but I'm curious about why there's not a big demand for them among the left handed community.
A lack of left-handed controllers at retail is a constant bug bear for me. I've been wanting to buy a gaming keypad for a long time now like the Logitech G13, but the lack of at least an ambidextrous option is really annoying.

As others have mentioned, a great many lefty gamers have simply adapted and use a right-handed setup for playing games. But the other factor that I assume is important is that there just isn't enough demand for left-handed variants of specialized controllers like keypads and hand-specific gaming mice. If the pop science is to be believed, only about 10% of the population in the US is left-handed. Of that 10%, how many are "hardcore" PC gamers, and of that fraction, how many haven't simply just decided to use a right-handed setup, and of the remaining fraction, how many are willing to shell out the money for a specialized game controller?

Of interest is this post to Razor's Facebook page about demand for a left-handed version of the Naga and DeathAdder... (Emphasis mine)

Min-Liang Tan
21 March 2012
At GamesCom last year, a gamer stood up and said "You guys suck - you need to make a left handed Naga". I paused, looked at him and said "Dude - we're the ONLY brand in the world that makes a left handed gaming mouse - the Razer DeathAdder." He thought about it, smiled and said "Thank you and I'm sorry I said you guys sucked."

We've always taken care of the southpaw gamers of the world with our ambi mice and the LH DA - in fact, for every left-handed DeathAdder we make, we're losing money with each sale - and this in turn means we have less dollars for research and development of other products. But we do it because we believe that For Gamers. By Gamers - means for Left Hand Gamers too.

And we DO want to make a left handed Naga - but we can't just make it for 100 people - even for 10,000 gamers, it's a huge loss maker for Razer.

But I do hear all of you out there that have been asking for a LH Naga - and I'll throw the challenge back to you - if there are 10,000 Likes in a month from now on this post, we WILL make a LH Razer Naga. You'll need to be patient though - because it will take at least a year from when we start. But you will have my word that we will make one.

So - Left Handed MMO Gamers of the World - it's all up to you. 10,000 Likes by 21 April 2012 and we will make a Left Handed Naga - for you - For Gamers. By Gamers.
PS: If anyone can find a good ambidextrous or lefty-friendly gaming controller like the Logitech G13, PLEASE let me know! I'll even gift you a GOG game for your trouble!
Post edited October 15, 2016 by rampancy
Being a lefthand, I always had difficulties with joysticks so before buying one I should always try it and see if it fits nicely on my left hand. Ambidextrous joysticks are nice but they aren't always comfortable and they are not many ambidextrous models to choose anyway.

With gamepads I've never had any problems; as far as I can remember, all gamepads (from Atari to SNES to PS) felt nice on my hands and never restricted me from using them to their full extend.

Mice are a different story; I can use most of them and I don't bother changing clicking layouts since I'm accustomed to left clicking with my middle finger, but these "gaming" mice that come equipped with lots of tiny buttons are useless to me. Can't use them since many of them are out of reach. I guess there are ambidextrous mice in the market but I haven't got my hands on one yet (and with the prices I see, I don't think it'll happen anyway.. after all I'm quite accustomed to keyboard shortcuts so I can't really justify the cost).

Lefthands are generally a minority (maybe less than 10% of Earth's population?) and that doesn't justify the cost for companies to produce more lefthand models of nearly everything. And it does makes sense after all.

edit: syntax/typos
Post edited October 15, 2016 by Vythonaut