jamesbowers: So anywho, I'm in a Facebook Linux users group, and someone gave me a link to a page that lists many (possible ALL) bugs currently (at that time) in the Linux Kernel..... It was disheartening, to say the least..... :( Why is this.....? :( What about Linus' Law.....? :( Thank you for any replies guys..... :)
It won't be all bugs. Security bugs will only be visible to properly vetted accounts.
Also consider that linux is expected to be installed on practically everything except an Xbox or an iPhone. (Android has a linux base). Many of the bugs are of the form "a specific 15 year old motherboard has a funny temperature sensor".
In other words, the bugs exist in the hardware, and Linux bugs get created to investigate and work around it.
With more porential hardware combinations than there are stars in the sky, reports of funny behaviour are to be expected.