thefallenalchemist: I want to thank you all for the dialogue here today. Most people have been fairly respectful and I thank you all for that.
But before I head off, I just want to add that this is a business issue. I think we can all agree there are problems that need to be fixed. We all have one thing in common here, and that's the fact that we've all bought games and spent money here. So we're all consumers. And for the market to function properly, consumers need to have a voice.
Orkhepaj: I don't think we have a problem here at all at least not with curation
Consumers need to have a voice? Are they shareholders or managers in the company? nope
then why would they need to have a voice? they dont
Thats not how things work , consumers can say they like this or that and companies just ignore it (gladly) as most of those are just whining from self entitled people(Karens)
If consumers don't like the company , they are free to choose another store.
I love how gog didnt open the floodgates to all games out there, who wants to see another store with 90% garbage fugly minimal effort games like steam. Just go to steam and check out new releases and experience the flood. I dont miss that here at all.
Hope they will keep this , even if it means a very few maybe okayish games end up outside.
Maybe they looked at this game and thought it doesn't worth it for them.
btw could we not talk about covid ,i can hardly believe an online digital only store got a huge impact from it , other than
they got more customers
Don't tempt me. CDPR stock is only $164 a share right now. You want me to become a stockholder in order to have decision making power? I will.
But aside from that, you are the only one who doesn't seem to go with what I'm saying here about customers having a voice (try working retail and then get back to me, buddy). Customers definitely have a voice. Customers are what business is built on, not the shareholders. Now you can be mad about the anime novels all you want, it doesn't disprove my point about the power of the consumer in a market.
Of course, yes I can go somewhere else. But sir, that is the worst thing that any storefront EVER wants to hear. That's called a lost sale and lost sales hurt the front-end quite a bit. Businesses exist to make money, and people like you and me give them money for products that are in demand. Supply = Demand. Don't make me start posting Milton Friedman's "Free To Choose" series in here, or the audiobook of Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics. You'll learn the power of the customer soon enough.
And let me tell you something about Karens. You can get upset at these people all you like as well, but statistics show that while women in the west make 18.5 billion dollars a year, they spend 28.5 billion dollars a year. Karen spends more than she makes, which is bad for her, but good for the global marketplace. Because of these complaints, things get remedied and those remedies equal out to a better shopping experience for all. GOG is a store, after all. It has a checkout page and offers receipts. So if I'm making a product complaint, just like any customer I have dealt with, it should be remedied in the best way possible. And in the quickest way possible.
No one likes an angry, unsatisfied customer. They tend to not come back, like our fellow and his sour grapes over Groupees. Those were the complaints of an angry, unsatisfied customer. Nothing they can do will bring him back, he's lost their business. A good business means keeping a strong consumer base all of the time. Find what your customers like and keep giving it to them. They'll keep coming back and recommend your business to others. That's how people actually make money. It keeps the shareholders happy, the publishers happy and all those other people in the middle happy. Because what do they want?
Well, they want MONEY. So if you can keep their pockets stuffed with cash, they'll usually be as quiet as a church mouse.
And how do you do that? By giving consumers what they want at a fair and reasonable price. And by providing great customer service each and every time. You want them coming back. Those customers have a voice and everything they say should matter. If someone is not happy in a comment section, big retail stores will work to rectify it. If you bought some candy and it tasted horrible, the company would either refund your money and/or they would give you a year's worth of free candy coupons.
Now, that's not what I want. I don't want free candy coupons. What I want is more transparency regarding games here on the site and I want to know that the consumer's voice is respected. After all, if no one bought any games on GOG, then GOG would not have a business. So we're just as important as anyone else you've named, if not more so.