It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

I've been using Firefox ever since I've been able to realize there were other better browsers than the default one in my PC. I hear it's not quite the best anymore, so I've been wondering what else is out there. There's Chrome of course which I've tried, but it didn't exactly sweep me off my feet, plus I think I'd prefer one who didn't quite use so much RAM, or rely on our benevolent corporate overlords.

Also I never really got into extensions, the only one I have is the almost required in today's internet, the Adblock, that might have colored my views.

Which browser do you use and why? Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6.0? Another browser entirely? Do you have any extensions installed?
FireFox and I'd better like it because I seriously doubt I'd be able to change it. :P
Chromium on Linux, Firefox on Windows.

The rest is not trustworthy because of closed source, and I would use Chromium (more speed) on Windows if there was a stable build, but there are only nightlies.
Be glad the Mozilla Foundation still exists.

Extensions on Firefox:
- DownThemAll! put to one simultaneous downloads.
- Multifox because you sometimes need two separate instances of web applications who can not see cookies vice versa.
- uBlock Origin for adblocking of the level no fucks given
- Greasemonkey to kill the 1001 badges on twitch chat. If you need it, here, it looks strange, but it works:

// ==UserScript==
// @name No chat badges on twitch
// @namespace
// @description This scripts simply cleans the twitch chat of all unwanted chat bagdes. Subsciber, turbo, FFZ donor... now they are gone. Simple, clean.
// @author LoosGuccreen
// @homepage
// @include*
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include https://**
// @include*
// @include*
// @include http://**
// @include https://**
// @run-at document-start
// @version 0.20140510230542
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {var css = [
"/*Normal chat tags*/",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
"/*Alpha chat tags for BTTV*/",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
" display:none!important;",
if (typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof PRO_addStyle != "undefined") {
} else if (typeof addStyle != "undefined") {
} else {
var node = document.createElement("style");
node.type = "text/css";
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
if (heads.length > 0) {
} else {
// no head yet, stick it whereever

And that means I'm back on the forums again. Yay :_)
Post edited November 16, 2016 by AlienMind
Vivaldi (made by the original Opera team ).
and Firefox
Post edited November 16, 2016 by Niggles
Firefox, because it's simple to use with a good layout.
Think the one feature i don't use is the save to pocket thingymebob.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by DampSquib
Firefox and Chrome (sometimes Chromium) on the desktop and Chrome & Dolphin on Android.
Chrome on Linux on the PC, Chrome on Android on the guess, and Chrome on the Chromebook because anything else would be absurd.

I think I use Chrome.

As for my history, it went IE, Firefox until they ran into that issue where the cache clearing got bugged, Opera for a bit, and then I started on some early version of Chrome.

As for my extension history, it goes mostly like this: Adblock Plus and then when they sold out, I went to UBlock O.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by Darvond
I mostly use Firefox, even on my Android phone. I am unsure why some consider it inferior, it works fast for me and gives me little trouble, and I can use it both in Windows, Linux and Android.

Lately I've been also using IE 11 (on Windows 7) as a secondary browser, specifically for This is because I now have two-step login enabled and with Firefox I tell it to always clear cookies and shit, which means I'd have to enter the verification code every time I log in to GOG. With IE11 I let it keep the gog cookies so I can login right away.

Occasionally I end up outside especially when clicking on some links on this forum, and sometimes IE 11 feels so slow and sluggish compared to Firefox. Especially with, I have no idea what the problem there is. If I go to with IE11, it is crawling, merely trying to search for something takes ages and seems to always get stuck. With Firefox, everything is instant on that site.

I am unsure what problem IE11 has with some of those sites, I am actually thinking could it be related to e.g. Avira Antivir, ie. it keeps checking all the pages with IE11, slowing it down considerably and getting stuck here and there? Then again, Avira installed some Avira Browser Safety thingamaling also for Firefox, yet it is still fast and snappy.

I dunno, I just wouldn't want to use IE11 as my primary browser because of that sluggishness. It works pretty ok on though, luckily.

I am not normally using Chrome because of Google spyware... but when rehearsing some web development, I like the Chrome developer tools (console etc.) better than those of Firefox. So I might use Chrome as a sidekick on web development, checking web pages out with it (yeah yeah one should check them with various different browsers anyway...).
Post edited November 16, 2016 by timppu
timppu: I mostly use Firefox, even on my Android phone. I am unsure why some consider it inferior
Because Google is God and everything else is Satan (except Apple, they're God squared).

I mostly use Firefox and it sucks, but so does everything else.
Post edited November 16, 2016 by clarry
Firefox, even if the devs are trying to kill it with bad updates.
which is firefox in mozilla drag
My main web browser is QupZilla, an open-source browser most of you didn’t even know about ;-P
Firefox, ever since Firefox 1.5. I wish I could switch to something, but there's only Firefox and Chromium (Chrome, Vivaldi, Opera, and almost daily announcements of "new" browsers that are also just Chromium) if you're on Linux. Well, if you want any sort of extensions.

There's also Pale Moon, but that has its own problems - the first of which is, extensions updated for newer versions of Firefox don't work. So add-on developers will soon have an "interesting choice" on their hands - rewrite from scratch for the new Chrome-like API (where possible, and do note some have said it won't be possible, like the DownThemAll dev) or switch to a project with an uncertain future and a minuscule user base and hope it explodes, only to have to backport god knows how many versions of bugfixes and features to the last compatible version, and then hope that whoever runs Pale Moon won't be as complete an asshat as Mozilla when it comes to fucking around with extension-breaking API changes.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by hyperagathon
vv221: My main web browser is QupZilla, an open-source browser most of you didn’t even know about ;-P
we do now

i also use palemoon
Chrome (SRWare Iron). I tried Vivaldi a great deal in the summer but I just prefer Chrome, also it kept crashing and have weird issues when I added Chrome-based extensions that I can't live without.