Posted February 22, 2009

This might be the type of game that I only want to play singleplayer or co-op, as having most of the characters as human players could kill the experience for me. (Also, I hate recurring fees.)

Imagine something like EVE online without all that stats crap, flying all the ships yourself from an ego perspective and newtonian physics. It's a hybrid of let's say I-War and Elite or the X series as an MMO. I've spent some time reading the developer discussions in their forums, must say this is the most promising game I've come across in many years.
Oh, and the hand-flying from space onto a planet surface already works in the developers demos (with mind-boggingly high frame numbers, this won't be a resource hog).
DO WANT, then...if I don't have to deal with recurring fees.
The underlying engine does sound promising, however. Maybe it can form the basis of my dream game one day-the seamless space-to-planetside transition is very important.