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Dark_art_: ...
Well, that's at least half of the truth. Intel was faster when it came to floating point operations, where AMDs integer unit was better ... and AMD consumed also less power.
The winner really dependet on what the test focused on.

Intel did have the overall better performance in games than AMD, but the difference was not all that big.
Most games at that time were not able to use multiple cores, so for gaming AMDs advantage over Intel was irrelevant, it was a much better choice for productive work however.
Only with the release of the i5 4xxx, Intel was clearly ahead when it came to gaming. At that time, AMD had nothing to counter that for a while.

I liked my AMD 8 core CPUs, because I could play and have stuff run in background without having to worry about anything. When I changed to Intel (to the i5 with 4 cores), I was shocked how bad my PCs performance was, with AMD I had completely forgotten how stuttering on hard disk access felt like. But for playing at that moment it was the only viable choice, so I stuck with it until AMD did catch up.
neumi5694: and AMD consumed also less power.
That's weird. I built a few computers with FX processors but never had one for myself but the Athlons (FM2) I had, always consume more power than similar (performance wise) Intel CPU's in pretty much any test I throw at them.

neumi5694: When I changed to Intel (to the i5 with 4 cores), I was shocked how bad my PCs performance was, with AMD I had completely forgotten how stuttering on hard disk access felt like.
Can relate very well to this comment. Had the Athlon 860k (4 core) at the same time I had the Pentium G3258 (dual core) and while the Pentium felt faster/snappier in most tasks, the constant stuttering was unbearable.
Javascript heavy websites froze the computer for a couple of seconds while loading (no mouse movement), due the Pentium constantly hit 100% CPU time usage. The more I overclocked the Pentium the more it stutter, as soon as it was replaced by the i5-4460 the stutter was gone.
On some games however, like Minecraft, the Pentium was faster in both FPS and world loading and emulation wasn't even comparable without getting in funny jokes.
Zilog Z80
Intel Pentium 150 MHz
Intel Celeron 366 MHz
Intel Pentium 1,6A (Northwood)
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500
Intel Core i5-4590

In near future, I would like to upgrade for AMD Ryzen 7 7600X or 7700X.
Dark_art_: That's weird. I built a few computers with FX processors but never had one for myself but the Athlons (FM2) I had, always consume more power than similar (performance wise) Intel CPU's in pretty much any test I throw at them.
TBH, I got that from various tests and comparisons. I can't speak from experience, since I never really bothered.
I have never been too interested in hardware, but I can tell you my first CPU was a Zilog Z80A running at blistering 3.6MHz. Good stuff.
Post edited October 28, 2022 by huppumies
IXOXI: Zilog Z80
Intel Pentium 150 MHz
Intel Celeron 366 MHz
Intel Pentium 1,6A (Northwood)
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500
Intel Core i5-4590

In near future, I would like to upgrade for AMD Ryzen 7 7600X or 7700X.
huppumies: I have never been too interested in hardware, but I can tell you my first CPU was a Zilog Z80A running at blistering 3.6MHz. Good stuff.
Nice touch with the Z80s - actually had to look them up because i was not sure i remembered them/their architecture correctly.
Hard to say, i don't remember what they were hardly anymore. But let's see...

386SX/DX 33, 4Mb (Yamaha Laptop)
486DX 100, 8Mb
686Cyrix, 8Mb? (333Mhz?)
AMD Athon 800?, 32Mb? (800Mhz)

After that a number of chips i don't remember. Probably Intel or AMD. A Walmart machine, IBM (Clearance on an army base), a Barebones machine, a bought machine putting in 2 drives equaling 8Gb storage, and the last 3 gaming machines i've made... Not including Pi's and chromebook(s) I've flashed.
Post edited October 30, 2022 by rtcvb32
Fun Topic! Great to see other individuals CPU progressions
Let's see what I remember....

MOS Technology/Synertek 6502 (Apple 2e)
80286 with the Turbo button that underclocks.
80486 DX-33
Pentium 133
AMD K6-2. Might have been the 333 or 350 Mhz
Pretty sure I had another CPU or two in between these, but cannot recall any details.
EDIT:It was a laptop! a Toshiba Satellite using a Intel Core 2 Duo T5450 - 1.67GHz
Intel I5-3750K
Intel I7-10700K
Post edited October 30, 2022 by Crimson_T
Too many to remember them all correctly.

Intel 8088 -Tandy 1000 HX, No HD.
Unknown possible 286 with 15-20 meg HD.
Unknown possible 386
Unknown possible 486
Unknown Pentium
Unknown eMachines
AMD Dual-Core
AMD FX(tm)-4130 Quad-Core
Desktops ((+) : still in use by me or by relatives)

Intel 8088
Intel 80286
intel 386DX33
AMD 80486DX4 100
Pentium II 233Mhz
Pentium III ( only one month, RMAed, never refunded, returned to previous, worst purchase ever)
AMD Althlon XP (K7)
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400
Intel I7 860 (From that point onwards, several computers at home ) ( +)
AMD Fx 6350 ( rebuilt 2022 with FX 8350) (+)
Ryzen 7 1800X ( RIP after 3 years)
Ryzen 7 5800X (current gaming machine) (+)
Phenom II X2 550 Built for a relative inherited 2021, now rebuilt as Phenom II X6 1065 as a learning project for my son) (+)
Xeon E5 2697 v4 (current workstation, built with repurposed server CPU and Mainboard) (+)

Intel i7 3820 QM (used by my daughter, nearing end of life )
AMD A8 6xxx (POS, died quickly)
Intel i5 6300u (Stolen)
Intel i7 1165 (current) (+)