Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:
What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.
Completely agree, but Roberts, to be honest, never promised that Star Citizen will be spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games/
Elmofongo: Only the hardcore Sci Fi nerds with no life will want to play this game.
No, the real problem will be, as always, the kids. They will start insulting other people, spamming with some crap thinking that is very fun and taking stupid nicks, leaving team in the middle of battle because their mom said: its time to go to bed. Add various trolls and idiots and you will get same problem that have any other MMO - atmosphere is COMPLETELY ruined. This is why i stopped playing MMO. Oh, and after one match in War Thunder when bunch of schoolboys made a group report because i shot down all their planes flying a bomber. They was very angry and because they could't beat me with skill they did it with help of banhammer. :)
Elmofongo: I am pretty sure everyone can agree with this sentiment about the game:
What I want is a spirtual successor to the Wing Commander games and Star Wars X-Wing games. You know a campaign mission based Space Combat game.
Randalator: You mean like Squadron 42?
Well, when it will be released - we will know if it's line Wing Commander. But honestly, i don't think that Squadron 42 will be even near Wing Commander 3 or 4 in terms of story. I suspect, that Squadron 42 will be very short campaign, a small addition to MMO. A training of sorts, but not the game like Wing Commander.