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high rated
Ok, so big sale with many games on discount.
Time to search around for some great deals.

The problem though is that when we try to see games on sale and there are so many of them you need to spend hours just checking.
The only option to limit your search is take off DLC.

Why can't we have some search options.
For example i own many of this games currently on sale. If i could exclude from seeing games i already have then the list will be less than half.

Or maybe we can exclude games with price. Like no game over $8 or something.

GoG really needs some search options.

Lastly this whole thing of seeing things you already own as not owned just because of different offers should be fixed.
I may get an Ultimate version of a game with all DLC etc and then i see the DLC i already have or the normal version of the game as "Not owned". So if am not careful i may even purchase something i own.
The same with packages of games. A package of two games that you may own separately is showed like you don't own it. Yeah i didn't buy that package but i already bought everything in it so it should be marked as owned.
Post edited November 28, 2020 by SumofOne
Yeah, should be an option to hide games you already have. There is already an under x price filter, but it can't be used along with the discounted filter. Those should be separate.
It's also a bit annoying that they just silently removed these user lists at some point while many even slightly narrower genres are unsearchable on the website, for example metroidvanias or JRPG's
SeanIngram: Yeah, should be an option to hide games you already have. There is already an under x price filter, but it can't be used along with the discounted filter. Those should be separate.
And it is funny because this directly affects their sales.
For example i may get tired of searching and not buy things i could have bought if it was easier.
Or not see an offer i would have taken etc.

They even lose money because they don't make it easy for us to find the things we would jump to buy. As someone that bought many games here, i end up having my ability finding things to buy getting harder instead of appreciated for being a good customer.

I clicked "games on sale" and got 63 pages. 63 pages! Now is good and all that so many games are on sale BUT many dozens of titles in those pages are things i own and don't need to have in there bloating the page count i have to go threw and many are things i may not be interested but can't filter out.
In all that bloat and going threw so many pages is easy to miss things i may be interested in.
Why? Why do i have to go threw 63 pages of games i own and games with bad offers and genres i don't like etc etc when i could just have 5-6 pages to look and buy the things i want.
Post edited November 28, 2020 by SumofOne
I think they (GOG) have a software issue in terms of their database and how hard it is to add more functionality/search options for the end user.

I can think of no logical other reason why searching for games has become such a chore, and this has become worse (and will continue to get even worse!) as the number of games have increased.

In an ideal world the maths should be:

More Games = More search filter options

Just to simply help the customer get to the games they might be interested in.

Sure we put up years of shouting to get that 'DLC' filter, and it helps, a little, but i just do not understand why this is not expanded. So my best guess is it is a software issue they have a problem with?
An option to collapse all the extra DLC sections on the sales page would be nice.
§pectre: An option to collapse all the extra DLC sections on the sales page would be nice.
there is a lot of place to improve it like only show dlc-s for your games you own
high rated
If you don't mind using user scripts, Ghorin created one that adds additional sorting/filtering options like that.

You can find their post about it here:

And/or get it from here:
low rated
Gamers are spoiled nowadays...And complaining babies!
SumofOne: snip
Data grid view for store page
ThorChild: I think they (GOG) have a software issue in terms of their database and how hard it is to add more functionality/search options for the end user.

I can think of no logical other reason why searching for games has become such a chore, and this has become worse (and will continue to get even worse!) as the number of games have increased.

In an ideal world the maths should be:

More Games = More search filter options

Just to simply help the customer get to the games they might be interested in.

Sure we put up years of shouting to get that 'DLC' filter, and it helps, a little, but i just do not understand why this is not expanded. So my best guess is it is a software issue they have a problem with?
Well aren't programmers supposed to be about solving software issues? This have been like this from the start, even if it was something in the initial built code of the site that made it harder they should have gone around fixing it after so many years.
And this is not something that will go away, exactly the opposite since more and more games will be added and it will become a bigger and bigger problem.
toupz111: Gamers are spoiled nowadays...And complaining babies!
"Entitle gamers!" What are you? A game journo?

Thanks to the people that offered scripts etc for help. I hope GOG doesn't rely on users solving their issues though.
This is CD projekt owned not Bethesda owned.
Post edited November 29, 2020 by SumofOne