HereForTheBeer: Except for one or two minor details, our solar PV installation is finished. Went online 02 August and we've farmed just shy of 2MWh already. Power bill last month dropped to 18 bucks, and I think we'll have banked some power this month instead of paying in. So yay for that.
During the previous visit on the system, they installed the current transformers (CTs) to monitor certain circuit on the property - pretty much the same as using a Kill-A-Watt but it's a permanent installation and it covers everything on a particular breaker. We're seeing now which circuits are using more power, and I think I can adjust usage of a couple particular items out in the shop in order to knock consumption down a healthy amount. At least on a seasonal basis, since two items are directly related to temperature and humidity control.
So we're happy with it so far.
Oh, and got the asphalt drive finished last week. That'll take care of the mess we were dealing with before.
Next, we need to work on the heating side of both buildings.