Wow! At my work, someone had left a bunch of old PS2 and PC games, and some DVD movies, on the coffee table, with a note "Please help yourself, for free.".
There were some I either have already, or was not really interested (some boxing game for PS2? No thanks.), but I decided to take the following (PC) games from the pile:
Peter Jackson's King Kong
The Battle for Middle-Earth
The Battle for Middle-Earth 2 collection (including the expansion pack, The Rise of the Witch-King)
I mean, wow! At some point I was actually hunting down the latter two games, and bam, now someone just gives them away for free? I would have paid good money for them you know. In fact, if I found out who gave them away, I am still ready to offer some money for them, or at least a beer.
The King Kong game had a written note "Does not work on Windows 7". I wouldn't be surprised if that is related to the copy protection, but I'll have to google for it if it is really impossible to get it to run on Windows 7 and newer.
I have two Windows XP PCs too, but they are probably not fast enough for the game. The game appears to be made in 2005 according to Mobygames. Maybe it contains some kind of stringent Starforce or SecuROM crap that makes it fail on newer Windowses. It might be I just don't have a suitable PC for it (ie. fast enough, yet still running Windows XP).
EDIT: Well, ok, as I suspected:
The PC version is also known to utilize the StarForce copy protection system, which may cause unforeseen difficulties for players, especially those using Microsoft Windows 7. No patch has been released by the publisher to remedy this problem. The digitally distributed version is DRM Free
It says the digital version below is DRM-free though, so I presume this works in Windows 7: Oh well, at least I didn't pay money for this retail version... It is an "Ubisoft eXclusive" budget re-release, but I guess it has the same Starforce copy protection. Maybe it is possible to strip the copy protection away, and make it work that way...