I just read the testimony of "Lacy MacAuley"... That "charismatic" Antifa member with clarity of vision and illustrious judgement. Almost died laughing poor old me, but to be honest, i momentarily felt sad, deep down. I always believed that life is harsh; doubly so to the naturally stupid people. The nobodies from nowhere, the nameless rubble. Sad thing, though, is that those suicidal poor sobs, are struggling night and day, in order to force everyone around them, submit to the same ideolypsies of their personal stupidity and suicidal tendencies...
What did i expect... Life is cruel. People have to learn the hard way, unfortunately. They always hate the bearers of truth and somehow, live with their tiny misconceptions exclusively, away from reason, evidence, reality. Karma is a beach and all that jazz; harm others and harm comes threefold crashing on your empty head and all... Pathetic and pitiful... Yet, much fun!
Oh, well.
Post edited May 10, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7