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Tauto: It's AUTUMN:)
eksasol: You seem joyful lately.
All Australians are joyful 100% of the time.

And we are girt by sea.
My favorite cafe, prepares MANGO ice-tea! That thing was bloody delicious, yummm!
The latest Conan O'Brien remote sequence where he acts like a Luchador wrestler, totally made me spill my morning coffee due to too much laughter :o)
Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free,

We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil,

Our home is girt by sea,

Our land abounds in nature’s gifts,

Of beauty rich and rare,

In history’s page, let every stage,

Advance Australia Fair.

In joyful strains then let us sing,

Advance Australia Fair.
Going on a date with my woman!
Drusar: Going on a date with my woman!
Post a pic:)
Baby Jakey at 8 months, he looks so different now.
baby.jpg (402 Kb)
Kleetus: Baby Jakey at 8 months, he looks so different now.
Too much sun.
Tauto: Too much sun.
What sun?
Tauto: Too much sun.
Kleetus: What sun?
We just had the hottest,driest summer on record and you want more? Not to mention the lawn is like walking on broken glass due to the no rain summer,you must be nuts.
Post edited March 08, 2017 by Tauto
But what does sun have to do with my post and pic?

BTW, Jake wants to bite you.
Kleetus: But what does sun have to do with my post and pic?

BTW, Jake wants to bite you.
Sun fades colours.
Tauto: Sun fades colours.
Still don't know what you mean, are you saying the pic is washed out or too bright?

And Jake wants to bite you again.
Tauto: Sun fades colours.
Kleetus: Still don't know what you mean, are you saying the pic is washed out or too bright?

And Jake wants to bite you again.
Pic is fine,your head isn't.And tell Jake that if he bites me I'll hide all his bones and toys.
I made fermented cabbage for the first time and it tastes like beer.