Posted November 26, 2024

Setting-wise it's a mix between prehistoric & futuristic. Name even 1 other game that has robot dinosaurs!
Story-wise you are not the chosen one who's coming was prophesied a thousand years ago. On the contrary - you are an outcast and nobody likes you.
That hologram headpiece thing that you find during the tutorial somewhat makes you special but not long after you find another character with such a thing, so you're character is not even anything special.
Gameplay-wise you are no ME SHE-HULK! ME SMASH!! Oh, right... have to remember to dodge... dodge & roll... lots of it...
You are a hunter. Before engaging any enemy you best have traps, bombs and an escape plan thought of beforehand. Even after becoming high-level I always considered whether any hunt is actually worth it. Every Sabertooth confrontation was memorable and hard. And there were some dinos that I actively avoided. It is generally suggested to avoid combat in this game because it is hard.
Except the part about rolling... that one is is too generic I'll give you that.
But otherwise? At what part did you go ''[i]Oh, Aztecs in an East-Asian aesthetic... this trope has been to death already. Ooh, there's the robot-pterodactyl. Best hide.'' ? O_o
What exactly feels generic about this game to you?