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Brute Force?
I've been super-busy, just making fly-by posts the past few days. Here's another pic. The movie is from the 40s and was remade in the 60s.
drealmer7: The movie is from the 40s and was remade in the 60s.
The Killers
drealmer7: The movie is from the 40s and was remade in the 60s.
xSinghx: The Killers
Yepyep! Both versions stand on their own very well, and I usually am a hater of remakes.

Next Film Hint

hint1.jpg (270 Kb)
I don't know the movie, but it looks like Fallout 3 ^_^
xSinghx: ______________

Next Film Hint

"The 33"?
Next hint.
hint2.jpg (424 Kb)
Next hint:

One might say (or sing) there's only one side a person can be on.
hint3.jpg (403 Kb)
hint4.jpg (285 Kb)
The chap in hint3 looks like he'd come out saying something like, "'Sunday neet, tha going down't pit wi me andI've told gaffa." and in hint2 it looks like someones trying to escape through the roof.
Hmm, I thought this would be an easy one.

Next Hint:

It's an American documentary from the 70's.
hint5.png (316 Kb)
hint6.png (446 Kb)
I don't know. Something with boys breaking something. Photo was taken much earlier by L. Hines
xSinghx: Hmm, I thought this would be an easy one.

Next Hint:

It's an American documentary from the 70's.
I'm thinking that perhaps to prevent it from being too obscure you picked one that won an academy award, so perhaps,_USA ?

The only documentary I've seen from that era is Marjoe, and it was absolutely excellent. I should really make it priority to get my hands on each of those academy award winning documentaries, as well as those that almost won.
xSinghx: Hmm, I thought this would be an easy one.

Next Hint:

It's an American documentary from the 70's.
Matewis: I'm thinking that perhaps to prevent it from being too obscure you picked one that won an academy award, so perhaps,_USA ?

The only documentary I've seen from that era is Marjoe, and it was absolutely excellent. I should really make it priority to get my hands on each of those academy award winning documentaries, as well as those that almost won.

Harlan County is frequently listed as one of the greatest documentaries of all time. It's quite unforgettable so I thought the coal mining pics would be a dead give away. Glad you found it.

It's up on youtube for anyone interested and is available on Criterion for purchase.

edit: Which Side Are You On? was the song hint for anyone wondering.
Post edited September 21, 2015 by xSinghx
xSinghx: Hmm, I thought this would be an easy one.

Next Hint:

It's an American documentary from the 70's.
Only one smiling face on the second pic :(