qwixter: My interpretation is that you still transformed the character, which is why it was more interesting :)
Of course the wiggle room depends on the choices given, which is probably limited in CRPGs, my only point of reference. It might be that I am just a bit chaotic and want to kill jerks in a game when they get annoying.
Oh yeah. Well, in Table tops, you can play a crass, rude and downright volatile and angry paladin (mine wasn't all those things exactly) because drubbing a local boy for spitting on your boots was legal and acceptable punishment. Drawing a weapon? Probably not. Punching him until his own mother won't recognize him? Absolutely. Paladins could be slave owners if the world your game is in doesn't view slavery as evil (it's not necessarily since slaves in our games were always criminals being punished for crimes).
Computer games have to be careful not to offend anyone, moreso now than ever, but they were always worried about it to some extent. Homebrewed games of awesomeness that weren't afraid to trounce on social and societal norms to make an interesting setting are a recipe for some fun times.
EDIT: I'd go so far as to say Lawful good is no different than most of us who live our lives today. The good, law-abiding citizens.. Too many people try to force paladins to be kind, polite goody-goodies. May as well play a pacifist monk (another GREAT character to play, btw) instead of what he is: a shield of righteousness that will pound all dissenters in the dirt.
That doesn't even mention non-lawful good paladins. The paladin is the embodiment of righteous vengeance of a "Christian-like" god. But in D&D there are many dieties that one can choose from, and depending on their character, their religious strong-arms may have other skills and requirements. Like the requirement of being lawful evil, or even chaotic neutral. They may also get some pretty awesome abilities like defoliation and life absorption for HP recovery, or boosted electrical damage/resistance.
Paladins are an interesting class, and the default "Christian" paladin is often seen as the only version. But it only makes sense that other deities would have their own spiritual vigilantes.