codestar7: Gog is still selling games, hek I just bought one last week but the home page has a broken drop down menu that covers the left half of the page and is very frustrating. The GOG, "Downloader" doesn't work any more. I have the galaxy software on my computer but it doesn't load, (broken) too. When I click the download link I can process the download through a browser but it just shoots a link to "Galaxy" that can" work without "Galaxy". So what is the deal these days. The forums seem to still be posting but the site doesn't have a maintenance crew? I show lots of games, I wanted to try "Solas" but can't figure out how to actually get it. I bought it , but it just sits on the GOG site. GOG used to be so easy before "Galaxy".
See attachments. EDIT: This layout applies only in the browser version of your library; in the Galaxy client, the layout is somewhat different.
Not sure what your issue is with the front page, but it sounds more like something to do with your browser or your screen resolution, as the "Games" dropdown (I assume that's what you're referring to?) shouldn't cover anywhere
near the entire left half of the screen. EDIT:...Unless you're talking about Galaxy, which I've never used, so I don't know about that. But you said it wouldn't load for you, so I assume you mean in the browser.
Galaxy isn't "broken", but it's still in beta, and is a long, long way from being headache-free or finished. Also, official support of its use on Windows XP and Vista was discontinued a while back. (If you're trying to use the site/Galaxy in an old OS/browser -- or on an old computer -- that might help explain both Galaxy not working for you, and your problems viewing the site.)