I am playing Just Cause 3 and it is AWESOME !
Know about achievements ? These pop-up messages informing you of your life achievements such as having finished the tutorial, survived the main menu, or killed your first baddie ? Know how GOOD they make you feel about yourself and your hobby ?
Just Cause 3 tracks all sorts of stats, such as the number of enemy killed, or the altitude reached, or the kilometers driven, and show them onscreen, along with the people who did LESS than you (less is not good) and the people who did MORE than you (more is good), so that you can feel the pride of having HIGHER NUMBERS than your lessers, and you can aspire at reaching HIGHER NUMBERS than your superiors (superiors for NOW).
And then, when you quit the game and log back, it informs you of all the players who have BEATEN YOU in your absence, in terms of enemies killed, or meters walked, or mouse button clicked, in a series of messages castrating you in the corner of your screen during ten minutes, so that you measure your responsibility in clicking MORE and restoring your PRIDE AND HONOR.
THIS IS SO COOL. It dwarves achievement in terms of coolness, and Galaxy just SUCKS for not yet featuring this in every game. This is the future of gaming immersion.
Now forgive me, gotta go because I was at 34'876 and l33bastird71 just reached 35'965. I don't remember at what, but I'll take no chances.