Posted May 26, 2016
Ohhh because i want to see interesting discussions, i'm a spammer...facepalm...
Look here:
See "interesting discussions"
Alternately, if I'm wrong and you're not actually the person making these (or if you're not personally connected to the person who is), then post a link with something more besides, "Is (insert gaming issue here) really controversial? Find out in this video!" Say what your opinion is of the video, if you agree/disagree, and why you think everyone else here should watch it.
Otherwise, it really does come across (to me at any rate) as someone trying to spam the forum in an effort to get more views for their videos/someone else's channel.
Again, i only want to see some discussions about the subject, but in the same time, if someone what to know our opinion about subject they can check the video, BUT, they are not forced to do that.