I would fall into the following:
- Hardcore Gamer.
- The Gamer.
- The Vampire.
- The Collector.
- The OCD Gamer.
- Basement Dweller.
For games I really like, 100% achievements are a must. For those without achievements, a full clear run save data and screenshot of completion (for titles like Agarest and Bastion, that hold internal achievements in a way).
I also have a must do that is, that if a game series is incomplete in my library, I very much prefer not to play them until I have the full collection and play them straight one after another. It feels... wrong to me, to play a game knowing that more will follow and knowing that at some point I'll have to shelve it until I get them.
Happens with Ys, with Legend of Heroes, Hyperdimension Neptunia (hoping the rest of their games make their way here)... Final Fantasy are mostly an exception because they are not tied to each other most of the time.
Perhaps a Quirky tag could be added in this regard? For people that have their particular ways to play games. Leaving it up to the OP if he/she/it deems it necessary.
ChrisGamer300: I'm the best kind of gamer, mere mortals cannot even fathom how good i am in everything gaming has to offer and i'm also a godlike min/maxer.
Please teach me your ways and save my digital soul from the casul peasantry.