Posted February 21, 2021

To me the main reason not to like the prequels, at least the two first ones, was that they didn't have much of room for any surprise elements or big mysteries as you already knew who of the main characters will be alive in the sequels, how each person will turn out, who is evil while pretending to be something else, who is "Your Father(tm)" etc. The only thing to watch was to see how each person becomes what they were in the later episodes, and it wasn't really handled that interestingly (unlike e.g. in Joker which I saw recently, that I consider as a good movie, good interesting dark drama).
Ep1 was like a children's movie with a kid protagonist (Anakin) which saves the day by accident in different situations, like some of the worst Spielberg movies. Stupid stuff. And yes that comedic sidekick was just awful, seems they just had to come up with something, and that was the best they could come up with.
Ep2 used so much time just depicting the "love story" between Anakin and Padme, acted horribly. Yeah yeah you hate the sand because it goes into your asscrack, what a pickup line...
And if I recall correctly, they didn't have much of exciting and massive-scale combat scenes like later episodes had.
And I don't really like Ewan McGregor as an actor, especially in those movie. Meh. I would have preferred even Adam Sandler or Nicolas Cage in the role of Obi Wan, then it would have been at least an interesting character.
Post edited February 21, 2021 by timppu