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zlaywal: Wrong thread dude!
Wtf. Woops. Thanks for letting me know. Guess i had multiple threads open.
It's okay to play on Easy mode. I do if a game allows it, as I don't usually have much time to play nowadays, and harder difficulties usually do nothing more than just prolong fights with enemies having higher stats but the same patterns.

I also don't give a stuff about objectives and main story quests in an open world. I played and enjoyed over 200 hours of just messing around in Skyrim without doing almost any of the main quests.

And I still love my 3DS. There are 2 games coming out this year that I've pre-ordered, so the Switch hasn't quite killed it yet. :)
meinterra: It's okay to play on Easy mode.
The only time Easy mode ever pissed me off was StarCraft. Easy gets rid of half of the units and totally eliminates upgrading.
Post edited February 02, 2019 by tinyE
meinterra: It's okay to play on Easy mode.
Absolutely. I do it occasionally when a game, in a game genre that I would normally ignore, intrigues me. It's a good way to check it out without spending too much time on it.

meinterra: And I still love my 3DS. There are 2 games coming out this year that I've pre-ordered, so the Switch hasn't quite killed it yet. :)
You are not alone! I love my 3DS too. I got Ever Oasis not too long ago but I haven't played it yet. Which games did you pre-order?
Is ok to play on easy mode really an unpopular opinion? If that's the case, it's really, really odd. Isn't the whole purpose of playing games to have a good experience? If you have a good experience on your prefered difficulty, what's the alleged problem?
Dark Reign, Cossacks: Easy = IMPOSSIBLE
meinterra: It's okay to play on Easy mode. I do if a game allows it, as I don't usually have much time to play nowadays, and harder difficulties usually do nothing more than just prolong fights with enemies having higher stats but the same patterns.
In some games easy is the only possible difficulty. Recalling Evil Islands, and how right that review (or was it walkthrough?), that said that the difficulties shouldn't be called easy and normal, but hard and impossible, was.
meinterra: It's okay to play on Easy mode. I do if a game allows it, as I don't usually have much time to play nowadays, and harder difficulties usually do nothing more than just prolong fights with enemies having higher stats but the same patterns.
Agreed. Dust: An Elysian Tail is quite fun on Casual mode (infinite dust storm and Fidget energy), and Final Fantasy (PSX version) on Easy lets you actually use magic all the time, making White and Black Mages feel like valuable party members.

meinterra: It's okay to play on Easy mode. I do if a game allows it, as I don't usually have much time to play nowadays, and harder difficulties usually do nothing more than just prolong fights with enemies having higher stats but the same patterns.
Cavalary: In some games easy is the only possible difficulty. Recalling Evil Islands, and how right that review (or was it walkthrough?), that said that the difficulties shouldn't be called easy and normal, but hard and impossible, was.
This reminds me, in a way, of Metroid: Zero Mission.

Easy should have been called Very Easy; you won't die even if you're not paying attention.

Normal should have been called Easy; if you're not paying attention, you could die, but if you're paying attention to the game (and not doing something like low% or the final boss at 100%), chances are you're not going to die, and the game will still feel too easy.

Hard is named correctly. However, this means that there is no good difficulty that deserves to be called Normal. Hence, one problem I have with that game; Normal is too easy, Hard is too hard, and there's no in-between difficulty.
Post edited February 03, 2019 by dtgreene
World of Warcraft is the most successful bad game ever released largely because its got a lot of arguably abusive game mechanics that everyone puts up with for no good reason and far too many developers blindly copied the Blizzard formula.

Marrowind is so boring that I couldn't work up the motivation to fall over and take a nap.

Modding Bethesda games is so much of a pain that it generally isn't worth the effort. I have no where near as much trouble with any other game engine ever.

Black Isle/Obsidian is a better RPG developer than Bioware.

The Unreal Engine 4 is a not a good game engine. I can turn up graphics setting on every engine out today except UE4. When UE4 games start to crash its almost always linked to the graphics.
Older games are better then new games.
Kelefane: Older games are better then new games.
How is that an unpopular opinion in a forum frequented by many old-games enthusiasts?
high rated
Recent open world games are terrible.
Games prices should depend on production values and development costs. Indie games should cost less and/or AAA games should cost more. Games made by 4 people should not cost 30$ (or €) when games made by 120 people cost 60$ (or €), regardless of quality.
Post edited February 03, 2019 by user deleted
It is never worth paying for DLC or expansion passes.
Witcher 3's only saving grace is that it is better than Witcher 2.