mystikmind2000: This is why i stopped playing one of my favorite game series - Galactic civilizations.
In Galactic civilizations 1 and 2 you were allowed to skip turns if you wanted too.... in Galactic civilizations 3 some monumental F---er decided to ban skipping turns.... OMG, i could not find the words to describe how that made me feel.... oh wait, i can...
rtcvb32: Mhmm... i'm told by a friend that if you develop the Ninja in Disgaea it is effectively an 'autoplay', namely you boost their reflex up to max and just have them wait, every time someone attacks them and misses they auto attack in return and get heavy levelups in the process.
Unlosing Ranger vs DarkDeath EvilMan is sorta Disgaea with a single character experience and is far faster and streamlined... And it's funny :)
Sorta Rouge-like meets Disgaea.
'Autoplay' - sounds like something i might like?..... i remember in x2 and x3 Reunion i used to lean a spoon on the keyboard and leave the game running overnight and then the next day my UT traders have earnt me a nice pile of cash!!
The opposite to that is World of Warships..... In the begining leveling up your ships and captains is a ton of fun.... once you get to mid level, you can play non stop for 6 months and not one single F--ing thing happens, nothing.... that problem severely F--ked that game!
Disciples 2 .... that was a S.O.B game to play after playing disciples 1 .... "lets play find the opponent you can actually beat, not that one, no, not that one either, not them, no, none of those no, no no," well f--k you then game!!! UNINSTALL