Posted October 25, 2018

As what the title of the book implies, it is a book that teaches its readers about the necessary knowledge required when it comes to understanding structures, as well as the details that engineers would indulge paying attention to in order for their greatest achievements to not go down in the history of humankind as some of the world's worst disasters.
This book aims to equip its readers with enough level of comprehension towards the topic to a point that they'd be able to at least engage in a conversation about structures with their friends who are engineers.
For people who hate math, the author of this book tried to exert very little amount of complex calculations that would stress the hell out of his readers. As a result, many of the things that the author wanted to emphasise further in the book, get consolidated with graphs that help the readers better understand the subtopics that they're currently reading.

I actually find that I love math when I realize how to use to to accomplish something precisely, and it's explained simply. Ex: Ever watch Michael Van Biezen on YT?
My latest book: A found a copy of "The Machinery's Handbook (9th edition)"! It's in RW units, not the cursed "SI" crap! :)
Sorry, but I have never seen one of his videos before.