Posted January 23, 2018

PS. The new game is also a mech piloting game, Heavy Gear Assault.
I can't stand those actual online-only substitutes without a sp campaign (even more if all they do is constantly release milking-skins-packs as new overpriced mechs and no more of the initially promised SP and NPC AI)
About Heavy Gear Assault...another one of those i just mentioned. Not f2p, but 37 euros on steam, with 0 info about development, community manager dissapeared since a few months ago (it seems he has been fired or has resigned? no ones know), no AI, no sp, you need Steam login + their own account login, servers offline now and then, multiple problems (bugs and support answers) for people to got their account auth after buying the game... no, thanks.
Very dissapointed about Mektek decisions since the very first day. Let's see if they even finish the game or say at least anything to their customers, who are still asking on the forums what is happening and no one is there to answer :P
*="all the other ones" means exactly that, all mechwarrior/battletech games made on PC. I proudly still have my "Crescent Hawk's Inception" original and imported, i even wrapped it on plastic to better preserve the box lol
Edit: It's not the same genre but also which is coming "very soon" now, if all goes well. The closed beta is over, so let's hope for the best now :D
Post edited January 23, 2018 by Kakarot96